Page 57 of Ryder

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We each take an arm and help her into the hospital where a nurse rushes over with a wheelchair and whisks us into a room. The lighting is low and there’s calming music playing in the background. It’s nothing like I imagined it to be.

We get Neve onto the bed and the nurse smiles, “We need to remove the underwear, Neve so we can examine you.”

Griff goes to hook his fingers into my old lady’s knickers and I almost combust. He laughs as I slap his hand away. The nurse hands me a sheet to cover over Neve’s lower half and then I remove her underwear, glaring at Griff the entire time.

The midwife lifts the sheet slightly and goes about her examination. After a few seconds she smiles, “Well, Neve, looks like you’ve done some great work all by yourself, you’re nine centimetres. This baby is coming soon.”

“Thank fuck,” pants Neve.

The midwife gives her some gas and air. “Do you know what you’re having?”

“I think a girl, he thinks a boy,” says Griff.

“I’ll go and update my colleagues, and we’ll be back to find out!”

Once she’s left Griff laughs hard, “She totally thinks we’re a couple,” he says. “She thinks Neve is our rent-a-womb.”

Neve sucks harder on the gas and I glare at my brother. “Fuck no, Griff, that shit ain’t funny. Stop playing up to it.”

When the nurse returns, it was with two other midwifes. All females, much to my delight. “Who do we have here then?” asks one of them.

Neve takes the plastic tube from her mouth, “The father, the uncle, the mother,” she mumbles.

“I’m the father,” I say, firmly, “He is the uncle, my brother, nothing to do with the baby apart from being the uncle.”

Griff laughs again. “Relax Ryder, they know just by looking at you, that you’re too butch and manly to be gay,” he says, before turning to the women and adding, “He just wanted to make it clear that he’s straight.”

Neve begins to moan, it’s low and deep. “I need to push,” she grunts.

“Go ahead,” says the midwife, slightly lifting the sheet to look. “Let your body tell you what to do, Neve.”

“You stay up this end,” I warn Griff who salutes while smirking.

“Both of you stay this end,” Neve snaps, grabbing me by the shirt and hauling my face close to hers. She then begins to growl, tucking her chin to her chest and squeezing her eyes closed.

“That’s it, Neve, I can see the head,” the midwife says with a grin. “You’re doing amazing.”

“Fucccckkkkkkk,” she screams, releasing my shirt and grabbing my hand instead.

“The head’s out,” the midwife informs us.

“That was quick work, Siren,” says Griff, glancing at Neve’s parted legs.

“Eyes,” I snap, “Eyes up here.”

“Chill Ryder, I don’t want to look at your wife’s butchered vagina,” he smirks.

“My vagina is not butchered,” Neve hisses, sucking heavily on the gas.

“One more push and this baby will be out,” says the midwife.

Neve pushes, squeezing my hand so tight, I feel like it’s breaking. Suddenly, a baby’s cry fills the room and my eyes widen. I watch as she lifts a screaming bundle, placing it on Neve’s chest. “Congratulations, you have a baby boy,” she announces. “And,” she adds, looking at her watch, “It’s the first baby of the year for this hospital, it’s twelve-o-nine in the morning.”

I press my lips to Neve’s head, staring at my gorgeous baby boy nuzzling into her chest. “Congrats, man,” says Griff, slapping my on the shoulder.

I watch as Neve lifts her top, feeding our son right away. The midwife smiles, “You’re a pro at this,” she says.

“You’re a fucking warrior,” I whisper into her hair. “I’m in awe of you.”

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