Page 15 of Ryder

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I glare at him, “I felt good, Ryder, you always make me feel good. But after, when reality hits, I realise you’re just the same as every other man. Good for a fuck, and not much else. Now get the fuck out.”

He heads for the door, turning back as I gather the bedding into my arms again. “I will be back, Neve,” he says with promise. “You’re not ready to hear me out and I get it, but you will listen to me eventually. And for the record, we’re no longer just hooking up. I put you on the back of my bike and that might mean fuck all to you, but in my world, it’s fucking huge. So, I’ll be back and you will hear me out.” He leaves, and my heart sinks when I hear the front door slam closed. I lower myself to sit on the bed, still clutching the dirty sheets and I burst into tears.

Sometime later, after I’d finally pulled myself together and Harlee was safely back in my care, I arranged to meet with Mya in our local coffee shop. If anyone can make me feel better, it’s her.

I fill her in while we wait for our coffees. When the waitress places them in front of us, Mya adds three sugars to hers and stirs it. “He seemed so nice; I don’t get why he’d do that.”

“You know that stuff is addictive,” I say, nodding to the sugar pot.

“So is sex, doesn’t mean I’m giving it up anytime soon, it makes me happy.”

“Speaking of giving it up, did you give it up to Griff?” I ask, arching a brow.

“Give what up Mummy?” Harlee asks, looking up from her colouring book. Mya smirks, watching me expectedly for my explanation.

“Her balloon Harl’s, Griff wanted Aunt Mya’s balloon,” I say, without blinking. Harlee frowns and goes back to colouring.

“Mums are far too good at that, it scares me how much my mum might have done that to me,” says Mya.

“You have to be a quick thinker in this game, or they’ll smell your fear and take you down,” I warn, adding a wink.

“No, seems Griff wasn’t interested in my balloon after all, despite me offering to hand it right over. All a girl wants is a little balloon popping now and again, trust me to choose the only biker ever to not want the balloon,” she continues, and I laugh out loud. “I’ve read the books yah know, meeting these guys, started something, and let me tell you, in the books he always takes the balloon.”

“Well maybe just offering yourself like that scares him?” I suggest. “You are a bit full on when it comes to someone you like.”

“Oh please, he’s either gay or…” she trails off and shrugs, “Well just gay.”

“Mya,” I gasp, narrowing my eyes. “Just because he doesn’t fancy you back, doesn’t mean he’s gay.”

“I have never had a man turn me down,” she hisses, “So I’m just saying that something must be wrong.” I laugh, shaking my head in disbelief. “Anyway, I’m over it. I’ve set my sights on Knox, he’s just as fit.”

“Personally, I think you’re crazy. I’m steering clear of them from this day forward,” I say with confidence.

“Um, maybe you’ll need to hold on to that thought because Ryder’s just walked in.”

My eyes widen. “What?” I hiss, not daring to look behind me.

“Oh shit, he’s spotted us . . . he’s coming over.” She sits straighter and smiles past me. “Hey, Ryder. You don’t seem the type to frequent a coffee shop.”

“I didn’t get my early morning caffeine hit so thought I’d stop by and grab one now,” he replies, and I feel him standing behind me.

“Can I ask you something?” she adds and he must nod because she smiles. “Is Griff gay?” I groan, burying my head in my hands. “Because I have to tell you, I’m giving him all of the signals and he’s just knocking me back.”

He pulls out the seat beside Neve and lowers into it. I scowl at Mya and she mouths the word sorry. “Griff is very fussy when it comes to women,” he says.

The waitress comes bounding over, her perky breasts practically hitting Ryder in the face as she smiles brightly at him. “What can I get you?” she asks.

Neve hides behind a menu, laughing and Ryder raises his eyebrows in her direction, moving his head back slightly to avoid headbutting the girl’s chest. “Coffee, white, no sugar, please,” he tells her, with an awkward smile. He frowns as she bounds back to the counter, swaying her arse extra hard. He shakes his head in annoyance, I imagine he gets that kind of attention a lot.

“So, who are targeting today?” I ask, casually, “I have a camcorder if you’d like to borrow it. The quality is so much better than using your phone.”

He sighs heavily, letting me know he’s sick of my bullshit. “Hey Harlee, you’re looking pretty today. You know you share your name with my motorbike?”

Harlee drags her attention away from her colouring to smile at him. “I like bikes,” she says.

“If your mummy says it’s okay, I can show you mine. It’s right outside.”

Harlee looks to me with wide, hopeful, eyes. I reluctantly nod, wondering if Ryder realises he’s using my daughter to get to me, just like her father does. She squeals in delight and Ryder takes her tiny hand in his, leading her outside to where his bike is parked.

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