Page 84 of Monstrous Urges

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I blink. “My…what?”

“Your family. Brancovich. It’s…well, it was…their family crest. The hawk and arrow, in the circle of the sun.”

It’s like coming up for air after being underwater for a little too long. Oxygen floods into my lungs, into parts of my brain I still can’t access.

But at least now I can feel that they’re there.


Is my name seriously Annika Brancovich?

But then, something else he says registers.

“You said it was my family crest.”

Drazen is silent.

“Are they…” I frown. “Do I have…”

“No,” he growls quietly. “They’re all dead.”

Even if I don’t know them, can’t remember them at all, aren’t even sure if this is real, a piece of me winces.

“Did you…” I hesitate, eyeing him.

“Some,” he mutters. “Not all.”

“My parents?” I whisper.

“Unfortunately, that wasn’t me.”



I take a deep breath, looking out over the azure Mediterranean.

“Okay,” I say quietly, nodding my head slowly.

“Is that your understated way of agreeing to our arrangement?” Drazen grunts.

“I have conditions?—”

“Think again.”

I turn to eye him. “May I finish?”

“It’s a waste of breath, but by all means,” he says dryly, absently waving a hand with a bored, amused look on his face.

“As I was saying,” I mutter. “I have conditions. For one, I’m not spending the next three months here.”

His lips curl. “As a matter of fact, you are.”

I shake my head. “How am I supposed to explain that to my colleagues? To the board?”

“That is, I believe, what is referred to as a ‘you’ problem,” Drazen says with a tight smile.

“I’m frankly amazed you’re still alive if you always exhibit this little foresight, given your choice of profession.”

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