Page 33 of Monstrous Urges

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He grabs my hip and quickly rolls me over. My hands are still bound behind my back, and I shudder as I roll onto them, helpless, my legs spread as he looms over me.


I could see his mask before, in the reflection in the glass. But now it’s so much more. He stands over me, that dark, matte black devil’s mask leering down at me with his icy blue eyes piercing into mine. His huge bicep bulges slightly, his forearm muscles rippling as he wraps a veined hand around, without question, the biggest cock I’ve ever seen, including in any porn.

My jaw drops and my eyes bulge as I stare at his hand stroking up and down his fat, swollen shaft. White precum beads at the tip and is running in little rivulets down his veined cock as he leers at me.

“I’m going to enjoy breaking this little pussy,” he snarls. “I’m going to enjoy fucking ruini?—”

It happens so abruptly my brain almost can’t process it. One second, he’s leering down at me, full of animal need and primal lust. And the next, that look has become one of pure hatred and malice.

He’s not looking into my eyes anymore.

He’s staring at my little tattoo.

It’s as if the entire energy of the room shifts. The air gets colder. The throbbing lust that’s permeated the atmosphere disappears.

All that remains is pure fear and palpable rage on his face.



The word scrapes from his throat like iron being dragged across stone. His eyes move from the ink on my hip up to my face. And when his eyes stab into mine, my heart turns to ice.

He doesn’t look like he wants to “ruin” me anymore. Or “break” me. Or even touch me. The smoldering malice on his face from before has turned malignant and poisonous.

He honestly looks like he wants to kill me.

“YOU,” he rasps viciously.

My eyes widen when he suddenly lunges for me.

“W-wait!! Don’t?—”

“Just try and run from me this time, wife.”

My brain goes numb. My face freezes in a mask of shock and horror, not even blinking when he roughly yanks me off the couch and throws me as if I weigh nothing at all, still naked, over his shoulder.

Houston, we have a fucking problem.

I go utterly numb and still, like my brain is short-circuiting. Like I’m a robot toy and someone’s just yanked out my batteries. Reality doesn’t feel real. I’m dreaming or imagining this. I don’t even feel it when he yanks a throw blanket off the couch and tosses it over me.

Suddenly, he’s marching me out the door of my hotel suite.

“W-wait,” I choke out. “I—I don’t know?—”

“Shut. The. FUCK. UP,” he hisses venomously as kicks open the door to the staircase and starts jogging down them, with me thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“P-please!” I whimper helplessly. “Please! I have money! You don’t have to?—”

“Stop. Fucking. Talking.”

He spits the words out like poison. I can literally feel the rage throbbing under his skin as I bounce against his shoulder muscles as he takes the stairs two at a time. He kicks open another door and we step into a maintenance hallway. At the end of it, he kicks open yet another door, and suddenly we’re outside, in a back alley behind the hotel.

And the spell is broken.

Maybe it’s the cool night air. Or the reality that this man is taking me somewhere. But as we step outside, and I glance back and see the traffic on the main street at the mouth of the alleyway, I lurch back to life.

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