Page 9 of Skewed

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Chapter Six


From my position in the bushes, I had watched the two men steal into the house. I found a strange amusement in them opening the back door in exactly the way I had planned. But I couldn’t let them continue. I didn’t know what they were doing, but from the fact I hadn’t been warned about the possibility of their presence, I had to assume they hadn’t been placed here by the man I was currently working for.

This caused me a problem. Yes, they might do my job for me, but they might also kill the sister, or do something even worse to her, which would be difficult for me to explain. It wouldn’t go down well if I said I’d stood by and done nothing. There were some people you didn’t want to piss off in the world, and the man I was working for was one of them.

Plus, something about the idea of these strangers going into the tattooed woman’s home and killing her while I stood out here twisted something deep inside me. I needed her to be dead, but I didn’t like the thought of another man doing the job. I wanted that intimacy for myself, wanted to look into her eyes, touch her skin, inhale her scent. Yes, I’d promised myself it would be quick, and I’d have done it in her sleep so she wouldn’t have had time to fight back, but now I discovered I wanted more. I wanted to experience just a little part of her, and these two guys looked like they intended to take that away from me.

I waited until the men had entered the house, and then slipped in behind them, moving as silently as possible. I held my weapon at my side, my finger on the trigger, ready to fire at a moment’s notice. The silencer had been attached, though it never made a gunshot completely silent. When I killed the two men, it was bound to wake at least one of the inhabitants of the house, and then I would have to deal with the fallout. It wasn’t ideal, but what other choice did I have? I couldn’t bring myself to walk away, not now.

From my research, I knew the bedrooms were positioned down the other end of the house, and no one had emerged from them yet. Had the dark haired woman with the tattoos heard anything, or was she still sleeping soundly?

I couldn’t let the two men find out.

The other men were focused on the rooms up ahead, their weapons drawn and pointed in front of them. Like me, they were completely dressed in black. They were so focused on what was ahead, that they hadn’t noticed me approaching from behind.

Moving quickly and almost silently, I got as close as I could, only a matter of ten feet away—the optimal distance to make the shots the first time, while not getting close enough for them to hear me. I lifted my gun and shot the guy on the right first, directly into the back of his skull, and then turned my weapon on the next guy and pulled the trigger. He had enough time to start to turn toward me before the bullet lodged in his brain. The first man had already fallen forward, hitting the floor with a thump. Because of the way he’d been turning, the second man fell at an angle, so he landed on top of his comrade, both sprawled, the shape of their two bodies creating an X.

I smiled to myself at that.

I was contemplating the pattern when the faintest of sounds came from behind me. It could have been the movement of the breeze from the back door, or a bubble of air in the house’s pipes. But I knew someone was there.

Spinning around, I prepared myself to shoot, expecting to find a colleague of one of the men I had just killed. I blinked in surprise at the empty hallway, but then I realized I’d been wrong.

Like a coiled snake, she darted up at me, the glint of metal in her hand, and then, before I’d even managed to fire a shot, I found a large knife protruding from my forearm, which she then pulled down in a vicious yank. My fingers involuntarily pulled inward, like a dying crab, and then sprang open again. The gun fell to the floor. I lifted my other hand to sideswipe her, but she was fast. She ducked again, wrenching the knife from the flesh in my forearm, and then sinking the blade into my thigh. Instinctively, I bent to clutch at the knife and prevent her doing any more damage, but she wiggled it in just the right place and my leg gave out from beneath me.

I found myself lying on the floor, only a matter of feet from the two men I’d killed myself. I managed to get a swipe in, aiming a punch for her face in order to knock her unconscious, but she jerked back and grabbed the knife again, wrenching it out of my thigh. I bit down against a cry of pain as she grabbed my gun from the floor.

“You should be thankful that blade didn’t slice you a couple of inches to the left,” she hissed.

I glanced down at the wound not far from my crotch, and my still intact cock. Yes, thank God. Even if I was going to die, I would like to die with my dick still attached.

“What are you going—” I started to say, but she shushed me and put her finger to her lips.

“I don’t want my sister to wake up. If she does, the shit is going to hit the fan, so keep your goddamned voice down.”

“How’s she still sleeping?” I whispered back, not wanting to push this woman. She looked crazed, in her little tank top and shorts, with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. Her long, almost black hair was loose and fell in a silken curtain around her shoulders, and her tattoos looked like patterned shadows in the dim light. I didn’t want to push her. I needed to play things right if I was going to get out of this. She wasn’t a professional, and she’d take her guard off me at some point. When she did, she’d regret the two knife wounds currently seeping blood into the cheap carpet beneath me.

“I’m going to bleed out here if you don’t do something,” I said, keeping my voice low.

Her eyes narrowed at me. “So? I already have two dead bodies to deal with. Adding a third isn’t going to make a difference. I’m going to guess you being in my house at three in the morning, holding a gun, wasn’t you coming to make me breakfast in bed.”

I couldn’t exactly argue with her.

“I was protecting you,” I said instead. “From those guys.”

She snorted. “Sure, you were. Now wait here one minute. If you try to drag yourself out of the house, I’ll remove that little dangly thing between your legs I’m sure you’re so fond of.”

“Hey, less of the little,” I managed to croak, and received a closed-lipped, sarcastic smile in response.

She was right, I was fond of my cock, and I preferred it to remain attached to my body. I could drag myself along the floor, with my one good arm and good leg, but she’d stop me before I could make any distance. I also didn’t doubt her honesty about being prepared to cut off my dick. I’d been told about the things she’d done in the past, and I knew she had it in her.

She approached the two dead men and picked up the guns they had dropped when I’d shot them. Stepping back over me, her arms filled with weapons, she vanished from the hallway. I took a moment to look around for anything I could use as a weapon. But the space was completely bare—no furniture, or even framed pictures hung on the walls. Pain lanced through me as I twisted toward the bodies of the two men I had killed. There was a chance they would have additional weapons on them—perhaps guns in ankle holsters. Working quickly, I dragged myself toward the nearest one, reached out to the foot clad in a shiny black boot, and trying to get a hold of the bottom of his pants leg.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

I turned back to her voice, and found the weapon—which used to belong to me—pointed at my head.

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