Page 3 of Skewed

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I leveled my cool gaze to his. “Come another step closer and I’ll stick this in your fat stomach and gut you like the pig you are.”

His face turned puce, his eyes bulging in outrage. “I’m going to tell Johnny his new barmaid just threatened to stab me. I’ve been coming to this bar since before you could walk.”

“Perhaps that’s a good reason not to hit on a woman who is young enough to be your kid. Now turn around and go back into that bar, and keep your fucking mouth shut. If you tell Johnny, there’ll be no reason for me not to wait on some dark corner for you to come stumbling out of the bar, drunk and unable to defend yourself.”

He stared at me again, perhaps wondering if I was serious. Then he shook his head and turned around to head back into the bar, muttering ‘crazy bitch’ as he went.

I exhaled a sigh through my nose.

I didn’t think he was going to tell my boss about what I’d done, or threatened to do. It wasn’t as though I had any love for my job, but I needed things to stay as normal as possible—at least from the outside. I didn’t need the money, as such. The housing was paid for, and I was paid a ‘salary’ for being here, and would be for the next few months, but I couldn’t just sit around the house all day. I’d literally either drive myself crazy or I’d drink myself into an early grave. Plus, there was someone I was trying to avoid back at the new house we had to call home, and I didn’t think she particularly wanted to see me either. Not that I blamed her.

Picking up my empty glass, I headed back inside to finish up the final hour of my shift. From the way Johnny didn’t fire me the moment he saw me, and how the guy who’d come after me sat sullenly at the end of the bar, avoiding eye contact with me, I hazarded a guess that he’d not spilled the beans about the knife which was now firmly repositioned in the sheath between my bra and my tits.

Looked like I’d get to finish my shift after all.

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