Page 86 of SINS & Temptation

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Chapter Thirty-Four


“Freeze!” a man’s voice shouts.

In the aftermath, my eyes snap to Enzo. He’s still in one piece, not shot.

Relief floods through me so intense my knees nearly give way.

Then I see the entryway: the door frame mangled, the door swinging wildly from being kicked in. The source of the crack.

Agent Knox charges in, flanked by half a dozen men in FBI jackets, weapons drawn and pointed straight at me.

Once again, Enzo jumps between us, his half-naked, still-dripping-wet body ready to take a bullet for me.

“Get out of the way, Enzo,” Knox orders, his voice taut with authority.

Enzo stands firm. “You’re not touching my wife.”

Knox raises an eyebrow. “Enzo, you might be a loose cannon who belongs in a psych ward as much as the pedophiles you chase down, but I can’t just stand by and let you get shot. It’s called law and order. Try looking it up.”

Dante steps in beside his brother. “And you can’t do anything to stop it.”

Mateo moves in, too. All three of them, a barricade of D’Angelo strength. “It’s a little something called the Second Amendment. The members of this house can carry weapons. Try looking it up.”

Knox rolls his eyes. “For the last time, drop the weapon, Kennedy,” he says, his gaze flicking to me.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Enzo growls, snatching the gun from my hands. “Don’t look at her; look at me. The man aiming a gun at your head. Now, you can shoot me in self-defense, or I can shoot you.”

“No one is shooting anyone,” Smoke commands, his voice laced with don’t-fuck-with-me authority. “Enzo, put the gun down.” Enzo grudgingly obeys, and before an agent can slap cuffs on him, Smoke turns to Knox. “Now, show me your warrant.”

Knox’s eyes flit to the other agents, then back to Smoke. “I don’t need a warrant. She had a gun. At his head. Probable fucking cause.”

“Actually,” Sin in all his esquire glory points out, “it was his chest, and it doesn’t constitute probable cause.”

Flustered, Knox glares. “The hell it doesn’t.”

Dillon throws an arm around Enzo’s shoulders. “What these two lovebirds do in the privacy of their own home isn’t probable cause. And D’Angelo homes are strict, no-judgment zones.”

Knox glares at him, disbelief etched into every word. “So, this is gunplay?”

Nonchalantly, Sin cleans his glasses with his tie. “Gunplay might be kinky and a bit taboo, but it’s not illegal in Illinois as long as it doesn’t cross public indecency thresholds.”

Smoke gestures around the room, drawing attention to the house. “They’re in the privacy of their own home.”

Enzo crosses his arms. “My home, my wife, where we have an expectation of privacy. If you have a warrant, arrest someone. Otherwise, get out.”

Clearly out of his depth, Knox holsters his weapon and signals the others to do the same. His men file out.

“Fine. Whatever. If Enzo wants to play Russian roulette with the wifey, that’s their business.” Then Knox turns to me, his gaze softening. “You’re not under arrest, Kennedy, but I’m offering you a way out. You can come with me now. No questions asked.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


“Where are you staying, Kennedy?” Father Marc asks as we stroll along the quiet path, Truffles trotting beside us.

He’s been my rock, my sounding board, ever since my entire life went to hell.

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