Page 79 of SINS & Temptation

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It feels like the ground has fallen away, ripped from under my feet, and I’m left grappling for something to hold on to.

“Yes.” We both whip our heads down the hall. Enzo strides toward us, his presence instantly filling the space.

Tall and dark, with a lethal grace, his eyes are a storm of emotions, but his words come out the way they always come out. Even and in total control. “What’s wrong?”

By this point, Riley is trembling hard. Her hand slips from mine, and no matter how much I call her, she runs.

Panic surges through me, and I’m about to chase after her when two strong hands lock around my shoulders. “Let her go. My men will catch up to her.”

My mind races. And then what? Enzo always knows everything. Does he know this? That Riley believes he killed our father?

Did he kill Da?

“You and I need to talk, Bella.”

I face him, searching his eyes.

Maybe it’s because I want him to leave Riley alone. And the kids. Or maybe it’s because I can’t believe Enzo could have done this. Or that I could have married him if he did.

But I don’t fight.

I don’t argue.

I don’t scream.

Probably because I’ve gone numb, my mind reeling from the shock.

But when he kisses me and says, “I’ll get your coat and have someone take your class. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, but we need to talk.”

My reply is instant. “Let’s go home.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


The hit is swift and blinding, a brutal impact that slams straight into my chest. I’d be impressed if it didn’t hurt so damn much.

The clamor of the crowd is deafening, but not enough to drown out the sickening crack of my rib. As long as the Goliath keeps circling me like a crazed jackrabbit and exhausting himself, I’m good.

Deep breath in, punctured wound out.

“You’re weak, D’Angelo.” His thick Albanian accent cuts through the chaos. It’s almost refreshing—it means he’s avoided my face entirely, and I’m not blacking out.

Weak? Maybe. Because nothing screams pussy-whipped more than marrying a girl, right?

By doing so, my brothers had no choice. Protect Kennedy and her sister at all costs. If necessary, with their lives. The creed of the D’Angelos.

La Familia Prima. Family First.

And yes, it was a dick move to force their hand by inviting our uncle to the wedding, but time was of the essence, and the last thing I needed was a lengthy debate.

Especially with Dante. That fucker’s half-lethal killer, half-incessant nag.

But the bigger dick move was forcing Kennedy into matrimonial bliss. My Bella doesn’t understand the lengths I’ll go to for her. But she soon will.

“Tell me what I want to know.” My demand seems reasonable, even as I’m doubled over, gasping for air.

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