Page 145 of Unholy Bonds

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There was nothing in this world, in this place, except Logan and the screams in my head. Screams of hunger and hatred. Screams for more.

“You were too weak when she was with you. She… controlled you. She tried to make you into something you’re not,” Logan whispered, his voice coated with pain and anger. “She made you into a fake angel. You aren’t an angel, Yara Kent. You’re the devil, and you should thank—”

“Fuck you,” I screamed, cutting him off. His voice was like a rusty nail against my skin, and I wanted to stop it, to stop him, forever.

“She didn’t love you, not really. She wanted to change you. If she had loved you, she’d have let you be your truest self.”

“Shut up. Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit.”

“You know it. Irene finally recognized you for who you are, and that’s why she left you.” His lips tilted up, a smile so twisted that it made serpents come alive inside my bones. “He’ll leave you, too.” Logan lifted a finger, pointing at Ryden.

I slammed the hilt of the knife into his throat, again and again, until he was wheezing and coughing. I smiled.

“I told you to shut up,” I sang, thrusting my knife into the side of his shoulder. The scream he let out broke and became a whimper when I plunged the knife into his stomach.

The crimson dot slowly bloomed, a flower field of liberation. Our liberation.

My skin prickled as my demons came alive at the scent of metal mixed with the stench of impending death. So much blood, but I wasn’t done yet.

“You’ll soon meet the angel of death, and plead with him to make it quick, but it won’t be quick.” He had a debt to pay, and he would. With his flesh and blood.

He leered, and before I could blink, he grabbed my hair with a growl, pulling me closer to his shredded eye socket.

I jumped back when the gun went off again. The bullet lodged into Logan’s shoulder. I looked up to see Ryden glaring at Logan, his eyes narrowed in satisfaction. “I told you not to touch her, you bastard.” Ryden gave me a grin when Logan wailed. “Go on, show me what you can do, my darling,” he said, his voice singing with excitement. “I want to do this with you.”

“Look me in the eye, Logan. I beat you. Now you’re going to drown in your own blood and die.” I thrust the knife into his right lung and then the left one. He gasped, his breath broken, his scream paused in a crescendo. He would never get to finish it.

A gurgle, a spurt, and then a torrent of blood came out, each drop mingling with dirt until the ground was scarlet, until the boulder in my heart shattered.

My demons breathed collective sighs of relief, licking their fangs.

Free. I was finally free. Knowing that this man lived while Kat was gone had kept me awake most nights.

You did it. Kat said, her voice filled with relief. You finally did it.

I did. But you’re still dead, Kat.

There were so many unanswered questions, but the relief in me outweighed all of that. He was fucking dead, and that was enough for now. I felt the urge to call Irene, to let her in on this happiness. To tell her that I had finally done what we’d sought for four years, ever since that horrible night we stepped into the mortuary to identify Kat’s body.

The morgue was cold, and it was a shade of white that had gone green over the years.

Irene’s hands were shaking as the coroner pulled down the white sheet covering Kat’s face. Kat looked like she was sleeping. I waited for her to open her eyes and give me the smile that had the power to comfort my demons.

Re-Re looked so young, so broken, and I swore to myself that I’d protect her at all costs. I tried.

Will she ever forgive me, Kat?

Kat’s silence made me sad, but that was for another day.

“Are we burning him in Enzo’s crematorium?” I said with a chuckle as Ryden studied Logan, eyes gleaming. “I’ve got some bags in my sedan.”

Ryden nodded. “I’ll tell Enzo to get the oven ready.”

“How did you convince him to let you use that? You two must be close,” I said, staring at him, wanting to know more.

It felt strange to talk like this with someone, to not see that look of hesitation reflecting from their eyes. Ryden looked at me like how he had always looked at me. With hunger, and a hint of anger—for Victor—but he also accepted this part of me, this darkness.

For so long, I had been running to find a place where I could truly belong—a place to be myself, stripped of masks and deception. Perhaps it was time I stopped running and tried to accept what he was offering me?!

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