Page 79 of Darkest Deeds

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I’m Bratva and a Cavalieri.

I’m trained to hear a whisper in a crowd. A click of a lock. A clink of a grenade pin as it hits the floor.

I turn and haul ass down the hall while covering my ears just before all hell breaks loose.


One hell of a blast rips through the enclosed tunnel, the thundering force powerful enough to shake the walls and cause my ears to ring. Within seconds, thick black smoke billows into the room between a crack in the foundation next to the door. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and where there’s fire, there’s a chance Sergei will be cremated in his own office.

After a quick inspection, I’m satisfied all limbs are still intact and climb to my feet. Using the guard’s finger, I open the door to the secret stairwell and confirm my suspicions. Bright orange and yellow flames lick what’s left of the walls, and there’s a gaping hole where the hallway used to be. The men, who I assume were there moments earlier, are gone, leaving blood-splattered walls as the only evidence they ever existed.

What the hell just happened?

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