Page 74 of Darkest Deeds

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Jerking my hands from between hers, I drag my finger across my hairline. “Do I have moron written across my forehead? I worked for the man for five years, Ava. I know how he operates. Once I bring you to him, he’ll kill all of us.”

“Listen to me! It’s a trap!”

“I said, no! I’ll deal with you later.”

“What do you mean…?” Her eyes widen as I pull the zip tie out of my pocket I grabbed from my bag. Her hands shoot out in front of her as she scoots backward. “Niko, don’t. You need me!”

“Shut up. I can’t worry about you and my mom at the same time.” Wrestling her to the ground, I jerk her arm against the couch leg and tighten the tie around both of them. I stand, admiring my handiwork. “There. That ought to keep you from breaking it.”

“Niko!” she screams as I turn toward the bedroom. “Niko!”

“Mik will be here in a few to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Try not to get anyone killed this time.” Returning to the bedroom, I unzip the black bag X gave me at the airport. Grabbing a few guns, I throw them in my rucksack and head out the door to the sounds of her screaming.

I can’t help but think back to something Arthur said when I first took this job.

“Delilah and Sampson, my boy. Behind every great man’s downfall is a woman. Many men’s empires have crumbled because of a female’s betrayal. Let that be a lesson to never get attached to just one.”

I should’ve listened.

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