Page 92 of Fame And Secrets

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Chapter Thirty-Two


My mom left after another week, and Ryker went back to his place with Zane and Ty. I loved them, but anymore family togetherness and I would’ve dragged Phoebe to some seedy Hollywood motel to be alone with her. The obligatory six-week abstinence time had passed since Iris’s birth, and my cock knew it. It was starved for attention, and I couldn’t take anymore cold showers.

Two months without sex. I’d been the longest I’d ever gone without a woman.

But I didn’t want just any woman. I needed Phoebe. And this new version of her felt like a taboo version of cheating on my wife with my wife. Somehow that made it so much hotter.

She’d just put Iris down after a particularly long feeding. Jealousy wasn’t my thing; I could share. It just hadn’t been my turn for an extremely long time. Closing the nursery door, she stood with her ear against it as if listening for a cry she knew would eventually come.

I wouldn’t wait that long.

Wrapping a hand around her waist from the back, I nuzzled her neck, pushing back the long hair I once loved, which now barely fell below her shoulders. The change took some getting used to, but as long as I could wind it around my fingers, I was happy.

“I’ve missed you,” I murmured into the curve of her neck. The scent of coconut infiltrated me, and my cock stood at attention.

“I don’t think she’s asleep yet,” she moaned, tilting her head against my shoulder. Peering up at me with those clear blue eyes of hers, she had to know she’d already lost the battle. No way could she look at me like that and not know I would fuck the daylights out of her.

“I hear nothing.”


I didn’t give her a chance to say anything else. With lust at an all-time high, I turned her around and lifted her so she had to wrap her legs around my waist. The heat coming off her spurred me on as I fused our mouths together in a kiss and pushed down the straps of her bra. As I carried her into our bedroom, she pulled back and tilted her head to the side.

“What?” I had no patience for conversation right now. Slowly, she released the hold her legs had on my waist and slid down my body, the friction eliciting another low groan from my chest. Her feet hit the floor, and she nervously ran her palms up and down her thighs. “Talk to me,” I said softly, lifting her chin toward me.

“It’s been a while.” She tried to pull her chin away, but I wouldn’t allow it.

“The doctor said…” She stopped me with a finger against my lips.

“I didn’t mean medically, Julian. I meant we haven’t had sex, and me not pregnant. It’s kind of strange, don’t you think?” Her eyes widened, and she chewed her cheek. A nervous hand rose, reaching for the hair on her waist that no longer resided there.

Taking a wrist in each hand, I pulled them behind her back. She folded herself willingly into me, and I transferred her wrists into one hand, cradling the back of her head with the other.

“Not strange,” I mumbled against her lips again. “Perfect. You’re perfect.”

“I’m still fat.”

I chuckled. “Perfect. Your body, your face, your hair. Perfect.”

She sighed as I lowered her onto the bed. I didn’t know how long I could last, so I immediately removed any clothing in my way. Within seconds I had her naked beneath me.


Neither of us needed much foreplay. It’d been too long, and if we did, it’d sure as shit be over too early. I wasn’t into embarrassing myself, so I positioned my body to reclaim my wife. As always, my mind went blank, and I fisted her hair as I drove home.

She stopped me with a hand on my chest. “Wait…”

I pulled my face out of the crook of her neck. “Does it hurt?”

She shook her head. “No, I just…” Taking a deep breath, she curled the hand on my chest around my neck and pulled me closer. “We’re always so intense. I know that’s us. It’s the way we are, and I like that, but…”


“With everything going on, I guess I want something I know won’t ever hurt me.”

“Baby, I’d never…”

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