Page 18 of Fame And Secrets

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Chapter Seven


Forcing myself to turn away from the window, I glanced at Ryker, awkwardly standing with his hands shoved in his pockets, staring at the floor. He resembled Julian in height and bone structure, with that same wicked, ghost dimpled grin, but that was where the similarities ended.

Where Julian rippled with muscles and unbridled testosterone, Ryker rocked a pale skater boy look. That wasn’t to say he lacked attractiveness or charm. Ryker Bale had women eating out of the palm of his hand. However, at the moment, I wanted to grab hold of his retro-eighties Nikki Sixx style haircut and twist it until his scalp bled. Julian wasn’t here anymore to run interference. I was stuck with an overgrown babysitter who probably wouldn’t let me pee without his brother’s notarized authorization.

Running a hand through my hair, I took one step at a time as Ryker leaned back on one booted heel, staring at me suspiciously. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the keys to the Infiniti QX SUV Julian bought for me and headed for the door. I reached for the doorknob when large, slim fingers landed on my shoulder.

“Exactly where the hell do you think you’re going?”

I closed my eyes. “I assume since you just got here, you haven’t surveyed your surroundings. If you had, you’d know there’s no food in this house. Unless you’ve been around a pregnant lady when there are no Oreos in close proximity, I’d suggest letting me go.”

His chuckle infuriated me. “I don’t know who the hell you think you’re talking to, but you can drop the ‘mistress of the house’ shit.” Prying my fingers open, he effortlessly removed the keys from my hand and deposited them into his pocket. “You won’t be needing these. And while we’re on the subject, let’s go over a few ground rules.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?” The damn Bale smirk coated his face.

If daggers could fly out of my eyes, he would’ve been stabbed a thousand times over. “I don’t think—”

“Rule number one, no driving.” He slammed the front door and locked it with exaggerated emphasis. “Rule two, no going outside of this house without me or my knowledge. Rule three, no answering the telephone, which goes for home and cell. As a matter of fact, why don’t you give me your cell phone?”

I laughed in his face. “Are you joking?”

“Didn’t we establish this already? I don’t kid, I don’t joke, and I don’t repeat myself. Hand it over, sister.” When I stood motionless, he rolled his eyes and shoved his hand down the front of my dress, closing his fingers around the piece of plastic, then depositing my phone into his pocket along with the keys.

“I can’t believe you just did that.”

“Oh please. Everyone knows that’s where you carry it. I told you, Pheebs, my brother gave me absolute access. If that means I cop a feel to keep you stationary, so be it.”

“You’re as much of an ass as he is.” I pouted like a child. I couldn’t help it. It was my specialty.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“I wouldn’t.” I stomped past him into the living room. Spreading my arms, I curtseyed and dipped my knees. “Okay, Master Ryker, you’ve stripped me of all communication with the outside world. Now what? Would you like to handcuff me to the coffee table?” I held out my hands.

Ryker’s mouth curled, attempting to rein in a laugh. “Keep it up, smart-ass, and I just might.”

I fought a losing battle. Julian wanted it this way, and Ryker would carry out his wishes to the infinite degree. They’d made me a prisoner in my own house. As my stomach growled, I snatched one of his hands and placed it against my stomach. He tried to pull back, but I held him steady.

“Do you feel that?”

He looked horrified. “What the hell is that?”

“That is your brother’s kid. It’s hungry, so I suggest you call pizza delivery or pull some dinner out of your ass.”

“All right, fine, just never make me do that again.” He gazed at my rolling stomach and grimaced. “If I go grab a few take-out menus, can I trust you to stay here?”

Flouncing onto the couch, I gave him my most innocent stare. “Where the hell am I going go, Ry? You took my keys and phone.”

“Fair enough,” he conceded. “I’ll be right back. I’ll get a large cheese and pepperoni.” He disappeared into the kitchen.

I grinned and called after him. “And what will you be having?”

He grumbled, and I didn’t try to stop the smirk. It’d only been a few minutes, and I already felt like a caged animal. Swiping the remote control off the coffee table, I pressed random buttons, trying to figure out Julian’ s new configurations. Minutes later, the television sat blank and I cursed, tossing the remote across the room.

Would anything cooperate today?

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