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“You can’t do this alone, Gray.”

“The hell I can’t.”


“I can handle one siren,” I told him. Those baby blue eyes found mine. The fight in them would’ve been a fucking turn-on if I wasn’t so damn determined to protect him. “Do I need to remind you what the fuck I’ll do if you don’t do this my way, baby?”

Fight me. I was ready for it.

“No,” Ryder whispered.

“Good. It fuckin’ sucks, and I get it, but I ain’t a fan of you even bein’ in this goddamn town. There’s no way in hell I’m lettin’ you be seen.” Fuck, I worried about him being in the car with me on the drive over. I’d never driven the speed limit so perfectly in my life. “Besides… you? In a club like that? Tell me you could handle bein’ around all them people with no issues.”

I wasn’t trying to be mean—I wasn’t. But The Cove wasn’t some shady, hole-in-the-wall place. The car lot alone gave an inkling of just how many people were in there. And that was just guests. Ryder would’ve been swept away by the intensity of it all.

“Still don’t like it,” he grumped, and I smiled.

“You don’t have to,” I assured him, the roughness fading from my tone. “I just need you safe until I find your brother and Tessa’s husband, kill a fuckin’ siren, and we can get the fuck out of dodge.”

“How the fuck do you plan to find a siren?” Ryder asked.

“Baby, I’m charmin’.” My grin widened, and he shook his head.

The real answer: I planned to fucking wing it.


Idrown a siren, right?” I teased as I stripped out of my shirt. Stabby McGee that was me—or about to be. Best and easiest way to kill a siren was with a silver knife. There were other ways—messier ways—but I couldn’t indulge in the middle of a full club.

Killing one wasn’t the hard part. Getting the drop on one was.

A deep growl of frustration ripped from Ryder’s throat, and I turned to him. His tall and broad frame looked oversized on the crappy motel bed as he sprawled out, staring at the ceiling. Ryder didn’t mope, but I’d classify him as mopey. Okay, maybe not mopey, but he was wound up tight like a fucking coil.

I climbed on top of him, legs straddling his waist and palms braced on either side of his head. That handsome face scowled at me while I just smiled.

“Not funny, Gray,” Ryder snapped.

“Baby, I know I can’t drown a fuckin’ siren,” I retorted. “They’re damn near mermaids!”

“Mermaids aren’t real.”

“They ain’t? I call bullshit. You can’t tell me sirens are real—a little off on the fictional lore and all that—but say mermaids ain’t.”

“You’re losing focus.”

“Am I? Or am I just distractin’ you until the bear in the fuckin’ room goes away?” I asked.

“I don’t sound like a bear.” He sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. Leaning down, I ran my tongue up the line of his neck.

“That ain’t even your sexy growl, baby.” Yeah, I needed to get ready, but I wouldn’t leave him like this.

“Fuck me,” he groaned as my teeth scraped lightly against the delicate skin over his pulse. His fingers kneaded into my hips.

“I’d damn sure like to,” I told him.

“Other way around today,” he murmured as his head tipped to the side. Not like I cared what way we did it. I wanted him naked and forgetting the world for just a tiny bit.

“Whatever you want, baby.” I kissed my way down his neck and over his shoulder, paying special mind to the individual dandelion seeds scattered in black ink over the curve of his shoulder and down his arm. It swirled down his bicep and right down to the second tattoo he had that reminded him of me—some geometric symbols for earth and air he’d found on the internet and liked. There was something incredibly sexy about the way the man wanted to brand pieces of me into his very skin.

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