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“I liked doing the live-stream too,” she admitted. “No one knew anything I didn’t tell them. I felt invisible, but in a good way. I’m not the same stubborn, headstrong woman who came here with something to prove.”

“Mm.” He kissed her again. “I think you’re still a little stubborn and headstrong, but in a good way now.”

She let her eyes drift closed, because he was right and she was so comfortable with him. “I think I’ll always be like that, but I’m working on my temper and listening to others and you know. Things.”

“Yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because,” she said. “I think I’ve proven what I wanted to prove, and now I just want to care for the horses here, and continue to be part of this ranch, and….”

The last thing had to do with Beau, and while she’d told him she loved him only a few hours ago, a sudden shyness came over her.

“And be with you,” she finally finished. “I want to be yours, and I know I have to keep working on myself so we can be together.”

“Baby, I think you’re amazing.”

“I know you do,” she said. “You’ve always been so supportive, and I appreciate that. I…well, to be honest, I don’t know how to be a good girlfriend. I don’t have much experience with it.”

“What about a wife?” he asked. “Do you think you could be that? Be my wife?”

“Well, now, you’re making my heart freak out.”

He chuckled lightly and tightened his arm around her. “Something to think about, then. I know you like to take some time to do that before you say anything.”


“I’ve changed a little too,” he said.

“You have?”

“Yeah, I think so.” He drew in a breath that lifted his chest where her head lay. “I used to be this flirty, dance-with-and-date-anyone guy. I still love to laugh and flirt, but I really only want to do any of that with you. I want to make you smile and laugh. I want to hear you say my name or call me cowboy. I one-hundred percent want to be your husband and have you be my wife, but I’m not in a rush.”


“I’ve waited forty years,” he said. “I can wait a little longer, until we’re both ready.”

Charlotte wrapped her arm across his midsection. “If we get married, what color will your bowtie be?”

Beau laughed, which turned to coughing, and Charlotte sat up. “Sorry,” she said. He shook his head, and Charlotte slid off the bed and went around to his side. “You need to rest. I’m going to go eat and get back to work. I’ll check on you in an hour.”

He quieted and met her eyes. “One more thing.”

“No more things,” she said firmly. “Only napping.”

“Are you going to tell Mason we just talked about getting married? Or am I?”

Charlotte’s blood seemed to turn into a solid, but thankfully it only lasted for a single moment. “I talked to him a bit ago. He knows it’s coming.” She sighed. “Honestly, he’s going to be happy for us, don’t you think?”

“I think your brother is unpredictable,” he said with a smile. “Maybe it runs in the family.”

“Okay, I’m going.” Charlotte turned and walked away from him as he protested and tried to get her to come back. She turned at the doorway and added, “I’m taking your dogs with me. They don’t have pneumonia.”

“Don’t go mad.”

“I’m not mad.”

“We can tell him together.”

She nodded, her chest a little too tight still. “I’ll text Felicity and set up dinner for a couple of weeks from now. You should be better then.”

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