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That got Squire to look over to him. “I—don’t know.”

“I imagine there’s not much to be done,” Beau said quietly. “I’ll pray for you. Did you call the pastor and put his name on the prayer roll?”

Squire shook his head, something storming across his face that Beau hardly ever saw on the strong, capable, hard-working boss’s face.

“I’ll do it,” Beau said. Heck, he’d put not only Finn’s name on the prayer list, but Squire’s and Kelly’s too. All of their children, who were probably worried about their older brother entering the Army.

Squire nodded just one time. “Thank you, Beau.”

He nodded too, and said, “All right, well, I’ll text out the details about the lunch, and I’m sure everyone who can be will be there.” With that, he left Squire’s corner office and headed into his.

With deft fingers, he sent the message, and then he sank into his chair and looked up to the ceiling. “Dear Jesus,” he whispered. “Bless the Ackermans in any way they need it. Envelop them in protection and safety, both here on the ranch and wherever life takes Finn.”

Texts poured in. Beau ran through them quickly, and then he sent another message. Yeah, you guys know how Kelly and Squire are. Providing everything for all of us here. Let’s bring them all we can for this, okay? Flowers, cards, food, and all our best attitudes and prayers.

He sent that and added, If you get something specific, put it here so we don’t double up.

Then he called Holly Ann, who answered with, “What’s up, Beau? Ordering your own birthday cake this year?”

He chuckled and said, “Maybe, but not today. No, what I need from you and Three Cakes, Holly Ann, is a schedule and price sheet for those family meals you were talking about.”

“Family meals,” she said.

“I know your baby is due soon, but….” He might as well tell her. The entire town of Three Rivers would rally around the Ackermans once they found out Finn had entered the Army.

“Kelly and Squire are going to need them for a little bit. Finn’s going into Basic Training next week.”

Holly Ann pulled in a breath and then said, “I’ll get it set up.”

“I want to pay for it,” Beau said.

She scoffed, and he could just see her swinging her head, her dark hair moving with it. “Not a chance. Thanks for letting me know, Beau.”

“Holly Ann?—“

“I’ll get the word out to the Glovers and text Kelly so she knows when I’ll be bringing her meals. They’ve got three other kids?” She seemed to be musing to herself, and Beau recognized a runaway train when he saw one.

So he left her to her muttering, and he went back to praying for his friends who had become his family.

Chapter Fourteen

Charlotte had never seen so many people gathered outside of church, a funeral, or a wedding.

In fact, the number of men, women, and children currently crowding into the barn where Bennett had gotten married seemed to be twice as many people as any of those things.

Squire and Kelly’s son, Finn, was leaving Three Rivers Ranch for service in the United States Army. Charlotte had met Finn, of course. He worked with her in the stables quite often, in fact.

He was tall and charming and young—and dating a pretty blonde his age named Edith. She was planning to go to France for an au pair job, and apparently Finn had decided his path included military service.

He also hadn’t told anyone that—not even his parents—until a few days ago. Kelly’s party-planning skills shouted from the rafters of the barn, where camouflage streamers hung down and chatter and party music lifted up.

“It’s a buffet,” Beau said, his hand in hers tight. She didn’t want to lose him in this crowd, because this was way more than just the normal Three Rivers crowd.

“Come meet some of the Glovers,” he said, taking her away from the food. The people thinned enough that she didn’t have to brush past anyone here, and Beau led her over to a few couples. “Preach.”

One man turned toward him and immediately stepped in to hug him. “Beau, brother, hey.”

Beau stepped back smiling and indicated Charlotte. “This is Charlotte,” he said. “Charlotte, this is Preacher Glover, his cousin Ward Glover, and the owner of Shiloh Ridge Ranch, Bear Glover.”

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