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Charlotte smiled at him. “I don’t want to step on your feet.”

“I just invited you.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Okay.” He finished his sandwich, and then looked at her. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”

“Can we trade back and forth?”


Which meant he had more secrets. Charlotte had plenty of her own, so she finished her bite of bacon, lettuce, and tomato, and said, “I like to sing to the horses.”

Beau grinned and added, “And in the shower.”

Charlotte looked at him with surprise running through her. It didn’t make her heart rate crash or her blood sugar drop. “You’ve heard me?”

“Sweetheart, the walls aren’t that thick here.” He grinned at her. “You have a great voice.”

“Do I?”

“Sure,” he said. “If you like to sing, I know a pastor who does a big Christmas concert. She’s always looking for singers.”

Charlotte wanted to do that, and she said, “I could be persuaded to audition for that.”

“Great,” Beau said. “We can go to church on the south side of town. She preaches down there with her brother.”

“I’d like that,” Charlotte murmured. “Is that where you normally go to church?”

“No,” he said. “But it doesn’t matter. It’s just more time to drive through town. I’ll go anywhere you want.”

“Your turn,” she said. “Something I don’t know about you.”

“I like to play online video games,” he said. “Remember I told you about going to Shiloh Ridge last week?”

“Oh, sure.”

“I do it at home mostly,” he said. “Keeps me busy in a different way than ranch work, and it’s fun.”

“Do you know everyone you play with?”

“For the most part,” he said. “Yeah.”

Charlotte finished her sandwich and got up to put the plates in the sink and clean up the leftover leaves of lettuce and the butt end of the tomato. “I’ll eat that,” he said as she picked it up.

“This?” She handed him the tomato. “Just…one bite?”

“Well, probably three.” He took the first one, and Charlotte couldn’t help smiling.

“Gross,” she said.

“You just ate it on a sandwich.”

“That’s not the same as biting into a tomato like it’s an apple.” She turned and put the cutting board in the sink. “Where will we go to dinner tomorrow?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “What do you like?”

Charlotte faced him again. “You know what sounds amazing?”

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