Page 61 of Tethered Desire

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“If you try to kill me one more time today, I’m murdering you first, Bracken,” Sun tried to joke as he clung to me for dear life.

“Forget it. Why come here to humiliate me again in private? You should’ve just stayed with your mates,” I said, despondent.

“Humiliate you? You tried to kill me! You just tried to do it again,” he said, stunned. “And aren’t we all… Mates? Bonded or whatever.”

“I did no such thing!” I shouted back, irate that he thought such light play amounted to a murder attempt, even though I accidentally did almost murder him right now. “And we are bonded. Not just mates. At least, I thought.”

“Ugh! You’re going to make me rip my hair out, throwing around words I don’t understand. You’re usually not this damn chatty, Bracken. Whatever. I’m going to bring you back. And I guess makeup and make lo—have sex before that so you’ll shut the fuck up and stop whining!” Sun corrected himself, but I didn’t miss what he had been about to say.

I chose to ignore it to spare his fragile feelings, but warmth blossomed in my chest, just as warm pink hues flushed his cheeks he usually only reserved for Clem and Kiar in the throes of passion.

“I’m not good at this, you know. Working through my feelings and explaining things is new to me, too, as I’m sure it is for you,” Sun grumbled, facing me, cross-legged in my lap, slapping my hip as I brought him closer so he wouldn’t fall as he ranted. “But we have to use our words. We have to work it out together. I’m used to ordering people around, too, you know! But we must bend a little for each other, or we’ll break. Do you understand me?”

He looked like a doll; honestly, I could not imagine him ordering an ant around. But I believed him. Among the vermin… I could sense he always got his way among his people. Sun was adorable enough, strong-willed, honest, and strong compared to other weak beings, qualities his humans must have appreciated.

I could understand, which made my head spin.

Then how will we work? I thought.

Frowning, I muttered, “So you are a sad?—”

“A leader! There’s a major difference. You’re used to leading, not being led around, too, right? So, it’s hard to listen, yes?”

“Yes,” I admitted, feeling at odds with following anyone since I was born, even Hadi at times, who once deserved my unquestioning allegiance.

“Alright. That’s progress to get you to admit that,” Sun whispered with a tiny smile.

This time, it didn’t look forced, making my heart hammer in my chest.

“I guess I can play along for a while,” he said. “I’ll consider it to be a drill. Ah, erm, a war game. I feel like that’s how you view this, anyway. Fucking is the same as fighting to you and Kiar and Clem.”

I suppressed a snort. If I was “fight-fucking” as he accused me of doing, Sun would be soaring through the air and tossed around until he was dizzy, smashed against a tree, then railed until he squealed, caged, and trapped in my claws.

Everything we’d done together had been gentle for my kind.

Regardless of how I felt about it, I conceded Sun didn’t view it the same way. Clearing his throat, he continued.

“How…” he searched for the right words, finally landing on, “How did you train Clem? Surely you didn’t ram into him like you did to me today the first time? Or choke the life out of him? When you started mating in Yewan, in your cave, how did you start to overcome this?”

He waved his hand up and down, and I figured he meant our difference in size. My newest mate seemed unaware that he and Clem were the same size, but I ignored that for now, to focus on the crucial part. Sun was willing to try again, mainly how I liked it, which meant the world.

I didn’t know where he got the strange idea that Clem began warming my cave almost a decade after we first met, but I let that slide. One thing at a time. Exploring that tight hole of his was of primary importance before he changed his mind again.

“You’ve been training on Kiar’s cock for over a month. Was that not enough?” I asked as he got back to what he loved most—draining his masters’ cocks dry.

“That’s not the same,” he lied, undoing his pants as he turned around in my lap and stood, ass up so I could reach it before taking as much as he could into his throat again.

I sighed in contentment, lifting Sun’s legs before resting his knees on my shoulders. I loved how his fingers sought me each time he was unsteady, his dainty claws barely scratching my skin as I drew him closer until his gaped hole was mine for the tasting.

Circling his puckered hole with my tongue, I marveled at the fact it was still slightly gaped from taking me and Kiar. I was momentarily intoxicated, harder as he whimpered, knowing I needed to answer Sun when all I wanted to do was eat my fill of his ass.

“It’s more or less the same, his training and yours. That’s how I trained Clem until he could take it, all of me. It could cause a problem when the difference in size and strength is so great,” I explained, one of my black claws catching the reflection of the setting sun as I lifted it into the air. “So, I had to improvise with objects. At least you trained on a live cock, or should I say cocks, plural?”

“But was it as fast as today when you trained Clem?” Sun demanded to know, trying to impart some hidden meaning in his words I could not decode as he balanced on my thighs.

It was hilarious to watch him try to have a serious conversation, flipped upside down, as I rimmed his ass. But I realized Sun had two main emotions—unwavering anger or unrepentant lust with little daylight in between.

Sometimes, he experiences them at the same time, like right now.

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