Page 59 of Tethered Desire

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Peeking out from the foliage before parting it with my claws, I was shocked to see a flush faced, still slightly damp Sun, panting beneath me far below the canopy.

It wasn’t the type of panting beneath me I preferred, but the sight of him still fueled my fantasies, even as I grimaced at the bite mark embedded in his neck. It was yet another reminder that Sun had chosen submission under Kiar.

So why not me? What’s wrong with me?

Rubbing my cock again, I took Sun in. His loose, damp hair and partially nude body were too erotic, piercing gaze widening in shock, no doubt because I didn’t stop stroking even as he spotted me. Rather than cool my passion, his appearance ignited my rut.

“Keep standing there, and I’ll cum all over your face. I’ll pour my seed on your body and make your bath worthless. Begone, Sun. I don’t need to be rejected twice in one night.”

“…Deviant. I’m a pot to a kettle, but you’re a damn deviant, Bracken.”

“Look who’s talking,” I growled, the stiff outline pressing against the silk of his harem pants not lost on me.

It made me angrier. Why had he come? To shove it in my face that I could never have him? I didn’t enjoy power plays like this. And it wasn’t like I could challenge Sun without killing him and myself, so I was left to stew in my hatred of being humiliated and my self-loathing for not confronting Sun then and there.

“...I didn’t know you were a sadist,” I forced myself to say, forlorn. “I wouldn’t have bothered trying to claim you. You’re no match for me in a battle to fight for the right to claim the other,” I stated, describing what was apparent to me, yet caused Sun to laugh so hard in bewilderment that he doubled over.

“Why are all of my nocs running away and jumping to such strange conclusions?” Sun groaned, casting his eyes to the darkening sky.

“You’re his elder. Keep calm,” he muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

What the hell is he muttering about, I thought, my hand slowing on my cock before stopping as Sun smiled at me. An ear-to-ear grin. Suspicious. What the fuck is he up to now?

“Come,” Sun beckoned, smiling too tightly with clenched teeth and squinted eyes, flexing his fingers to his wet pecs. “Come back with me to climb part of the Naran Mountains and make camp before it gets dark. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about it in the morning. We don’t have much time to reach the temple.”

“No,” I gritted out, “I’ll follow you all on my own time, like Hadi. And stop smiling at me so freakishly.”

Sun snorted, and I smiled now, preferring his pretty, pissed-off face to that fake happiness.

Despite wanting to swoop down and shower him with affection for at least coming to apologize for his temper tantrum like a good boy, I gave him an earful, pretending to be furious when I was confused, and… sad.

“We will camp at the base of the mountains tonight if I lag behind or not. You have Kiar to help you along the way. I promise I won’t die before I reach you all, no different than Hadi.”

We sat in stony silence, or more like I hung while he stood. We both crossed our arms against our chests. If he thought he was more stubborn than me, Sun was dreaming.

Finally, after what felt like eons, he huffed before delivering music to my weary ears.

“Fine. I’ll come to you. If you’re my master, you should be the bigger… man? Noc? Ha! Either way, you should be more emotionally stable than this, but I digress. I’ll come, and then you will follow.”

My ears perked up, wings flapping before I could stop them. Excitement snaked through my core, and I was genuinely excited. This was the first time he’d called me master.

His lips were moving, but I didn’t hear a thing until Sun decided to piss me off again.

“...But you’re not my master. You’re my partner, do you understand, Bracken?”

“You? My partner? You’re not my equal. You never will be,” I gritted out, not playing into this new attempt to subjugate me.

“Just you watch. I’ll drill it into your bullish head one day that I’m not your pet or princess, you dumbass spoiled brat! You can’t always get your way.”

Startled at being called a brat and then by his agility, I watched Sun sprint to the tree trunk, propelling himself upward, using his heels and a knife-like shard of Blood Onyx to scale the scorched bark.

Impressive, dare I say remarkably for vermin, as he made it near enough for me to swoop him up into my awaiting arm. I spun on my claws and took him with me until I stood upright with Sun tucked into my arms between the thick foliage.

“Since the only language you seem to understand is sex, let’s get it over with. Then we return,” he said, and I growled happily, too stunned to speak.

He could say what he wanted or pretend to be my equal. Either way, Sun acknowledged that he wanted me just as badly and was willing to try and submit, and that was half the battle ahead.

Maybe it was time to categorize Sun as not submissive but certainly breedable, and I guessed I could bear his hatred if he could force himself to bare his ass without a duel.

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