Page 42 of Tethered Desire

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“...What do you make of all this,” I asked Kiar, as Hadi moved from his nest, away from us finally. “Of this arrangement. Of speaking to a Goddess.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know a damn thing anymore,” he said, hair disheveled, visibly aching to sheath his cock inside of Sun again or maybe to fight. Maybe both. I never knew with him.

“Lets us rest. I’m…” Kiar stumbled over his words, a rarity, looking to Clem who slept in my lap, and back to Sun who he held in his arms. “I’m grateful they could have some fun after this dreadful night. But be mindful my patience is thin, and they are hurt.”

I nodded. Kiar was right. Clem thoroughly enjoyed his reward, but it wasn’t wise for me to cave to my baser instincts. Not with Hadi around.

“True. Besides,” I inclined my head to the spot where Hadi had been before he left. “We have company that sources his strength from our mating and hunting, too. Maybe that’s why we don’t feel as refreshed. That’ll put us at a disadvantage if it comes to…” I couldn’t find it in me to voice the inevitable battle ahead of us.

“…Do you know more about this spell than you’re letting on?” Kiar asked pointedly as he slithered beside me with Sun held bridal style in his arms. I lifted my wing, and he curled beside us, Clem and me. And it was very warm.

“No. I never saw much use in reading the vermin’s text. But I know Clem well enough to know he stuck his nose into something he can’t control.” I stroked Clem’s head as I boxed them all in with my wings, cracking them just wide enough to continue chatting with Kiar, and keep watch for Hadi’s return.

“And despite what he may say, Clem doesn’t know a damn thing about this moon magic, beyond not knowing how to break the bond. He can’t begin to understand how he has changed us.”

“…Is it just the spell making us this way?” Kiar asked, “I don’t think I can keep my hands off him for long. Is it just the spell that makes me feel this way?”

I blinked, realizing Kiar meant something much more profound than the urge to mate.

“So, what if it is? Do we need some grand reason to protect what is ours from him?” I said, not seeing how it mattered now. They were ours, after all. It was natural, our duty, our bonds.

“…Hadi is our ally?” Again, Kiar’s voice lifted in question, and it was so unnerving. Like me, he had always been so self-assured.

However, we found ourselves in uncharted territory, up against the most unexpected enemy. Even more so than the false king, Daaku the traitor, who had wormed his way onto the throne.

“And Sun is our mate,” I responded, whispering despite knowing if he really wanted to hear us, all Hadi had to do was focus. “Clem is… He’s under your care, and my first bond. Hadi sees things differently. If we can reconcile those realities, wonderful. And if not…”

“If not let’s back each other,” Kiar said as I nodded.

An understanding deepened between us, which began earlier in the night under the light of the campfire when we both saw their scars.

Tomorrow, and until we had the stone, we would protect them, together against any foe. Hadi included.

After that?

“Only the Gods know,” I whispered as I allowed my heavy eyelids to shut and my wings to close.

I sheltered all of them under my wings, as I drifted off into short interludes of dreamless sleep.

We woke fitfully all through the night, tense and ready for a fight. But none came, only the heavy feeling of being watched, of being assessed, and yes, I had to admit it, of being rebuked for our weakness.

But if it was weak to love Sun and Clem, to stand by my friend Kiar, so be it. I was proud to be detested by Hadi for those reasons.

I’d already conquered death, escaping my early tomb. I had nothing to fear, least of all a deposed king who would meet his grave again before I allowed him to come in between me and Sun, Kiar and Clem.

Chapter 11


Icrawled amongst the branches whilst my disloyal court walked below me, flanking their new master.

For there was no doubt now that they had replaced me, just as the entire noc kingdom had.

My lip curled with distaste as I glanced down at them.

Of course, the moment my eyes landed on Batu Sun’s form, the noc killer’s face turned up toward me, catching my gaze immediately.

He was sharp. I would concede on that matter. He was also brave and willing to accept a certain amount of pain for that which he believed in.

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