Page 26 of Tethered Desire

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“Yes!” I said, “and more. And I am sorry, I don’t know what any of it means. I don’t know how to break the tether, Sun. I lied. I don’t believe we can part from one another. It’s dangerous, I can feel it, this force pulling you away from us. Let us reconcile now. Don’t go! Don’t go near the darkness…”

More silence. More maddening silence! Kiar pulled me until I had to stand, baffled as Bracken clutched my other set of hands. They were keeping me too far away as Sun backed up, all of our fate lines unraveling from one another.

No no no no no! The sight was driving me mad.

“…Don’t think just because we’re tethered that I won’t kill you if you follow me!” Sun threatened, his voice hard.

“Don’t do it Sun! You can’t run from us! You can’t hide from us,” I lied because the tether was breaking, stretched to its limits and when it snapped, we would all die, for good this time. “We need each other!”

This malignant force, I knew what it was now, a strange buzzing and burning overcoming me, eating away at my soul.

“Watch me!” Sun shouted and disappeared.

Stunned, I watched him go, held steady by both Bracken and Kiar. I fought against their hands, but they didn’t release me until I sagged in defeat.

“What the hell was that?” Kiar demanded.

“I don’t know,” I whispered. “All of this on my shoulders is too much. I need… I need you all to follow me. To do as I say. To support me…”

I swallowed and Kiar’s hand rested on my shoulder, squeezing.

“Sun just needs time. He is angry and confused. Let him go for a few minutes to clear his mind.”

I shook my head.

“It is too dangerous out there.”

Had I not been nearly killed just minutes before?

And now, a bigger threat lurked in the darkness of the night.

I could no longer feel Hadi’s presence hovering around me.

He was out there somewhere.

And he did not want to be a part of our team. He was the one tearing it apart…

Just as I thought it, a pillar of moonlight fell from the sky, and I absorbed it before exploding with light. Immediately, I knew what it meant and leaped into the air.

Bracken snatched me by the waist, covering his eyes, hissing at my blinding light.

“What the hell is happening?” he demanded. “Don’t you dare fly away! Have you all lost your damn minds running around in this forest unguarded? You’ll get yourself killed!”

But for once, I wasn’t worried about getting killed or obeying my master. All I could think about was Sun. I was consumed with the knowledge that I had to prevent him from meeting the source of the fracturing of our entangled fates before it was too late.

“Clem? Clem!” Bracken shouted as I threw myself from his grip and burst into the air, avoiding Kiar as he tried to curl around my body and tackle me to the ground.

Behind me, I heard them shouting for me to wait, but I didn’t care.

Heart racing, I shot through the woods, desperate to reach Sun before Alhadya got to him first.

Chapter 7


Itore through the underbrush in the blinding dark of night, not caring as the brambles caught my bare skin and the rags I wore.

What had once been sought after silk was now torn to shreds, barely clinging to my body. A body that had been used and abused for far too long now at the hands of nocs. No different than the very spirit within me.

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