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Her words flooded me and filled me with a sense of peace. She was mine, and I was hers. Somehow, even though I didn't deserve it, I had found someone I could rely on to stand by my side, through the difficulties of life.

In that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt seen, truly seen.

Chapter 17 - Ashley

I woke up with a feeling of warmth and contentment. As I stretched and yawned, the empty space in my bed told me that my husband had already left for work. A small frown immediately formed on my face. This would be the first time he's left without saying goodbye, without asking for a specific incentive to motivate him to start the day.

I sighed as I got up from the lonely bed, already missing him.

With a rumble in my stomach, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. But to my surprise, the delicious smell of freshly cooked food already filled the air and drew my nose in its direction.

As I glanced around, I noticed a piece of paper leaning against the toaster. It was written in Nikolai's handwriting, and an incredulous smile spread across my face as I read it:

“My best breakfast ever. Looks like you’ve got some stiff competition now.”

A giggle escaped my lips as I read the note and smiled in appreciation. I was shocked that he had even bothered to make breakfast for me. The food looked delicious, and I couldn't resist taking a bite.

As the flavors danced on my tongue, I realized that my husband had much more to offer than meets the eye. I suspected that I would find out even more about him in the future.

I was grateful that I was able to experience a different side of him at that moment. It made my heart even prouder knowing that this sweet side was never shown to the outside world. It was never meant for anyone but me.

I was just finishing my breakfast when suddenly the doorbell rang. My heart leapt at the thought of seeing Nikolai. However, my mind dampened my hopes and reminded me that it wasn’t so easy for him to get away from work so soon.

Curious, I made my way to open the door, only to find myself confronted by a group of men dressed in black. There were about four of them, standing there with serious expressions.

One of the men immediately spoke up, his voice deep and commanding. “Mr. Wolkov has ordered you to come with us.”

My skepticism was immediately apparent. These men didn't appear to be Nik's usual delegates. The absence of his trusted security staff added to my suspicion.

Deep down, I knew something was wrong, but I couldn't afford to act impulsively in such a dangerous situation. My mind raced and I did my best not to expose myself, my hands covering my belly protectively.

With a calm facade, I stared at them and replied, “Are you sure? I find it hard to believe that Nik would send you without his usual guys.”

The men exchanged glances, their expressions flickering briefly. It was clear that they hadn't expected me to question their presence. Nevertheless, I couldn't let my guard down, Nik’s words were still ringing in my ears.

It was only logical that I would question them a little. It seemed more natural that way, and I needed the time to stall them and figure out what was going on.

“The men Mr. Wolkov brought from New York are with him right now, we are also his men, but we operate here in California. Which is why you don’t know us.” He reasoned.

Ha, if I were a bit stupid, I would have fallen for it.

“I understand, but before we go, I have to get my jacket,” I finally said in a calm voice, but with a racing heart. I quickly turned around and walked back into the house, my head full of possibilities.

I quickly reached for my jacket, discreetly slipped my hand into my pocket, and took out the keys to one of the cars parked outside. I knew that in an emergency it would be crucial to have a means of escape.

My emotions were like a whirlwind as I rejoined the men, my jacket casually draped over my arm. I could see the slight tension in their posture as they watched me, their eyes searching for any sign of suspicion.

But when I gave them my best innocent housewife smile and nodded, they seemed to relax. As I stepped out of the house with them, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination.

The men surrounding me led me to their car, but I knew I had to fight back before it was too late. My eyes darted around, looking for a way to escape.

And then it happened. A rush of adrenaline shot through my veins when I spotted the car, I had the keys to. Without thinking, I made a lightning-fast decision. I freed myself from her grip and sprinted to the car, my heart pounding.

Their shouts of confusion and anger echoed behind me as I reached the car. My hands shook as I fumbled with the keys, desperately trying to unlock the door.

“No!” I shouted as one of the men managed to reach me and pushed me against the car, trying to hold me down.

I took advantage of the self-defense lessons my father had imposed on me and with the adrenaline in my veins I punched him hard in the face. He fell to the ground, stunned by the unexpected counterattack.

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