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Falcon chuckles. “I never noticed it until you pointed it out.”

“At least we inherited all the good traits,” Lake quips.

“Boys,” Mr. Reyes greets when he reaches us. “I’m glad you finally decided to join us. Julian just called. He’s waiting at the golf carts for us. ”

Falcon walks with Mr. Reyes, and I grin when Lake throws his arm around Mr. Cutler’s shoulders.

Dad smiles at me, then he tilts his head. “You look different.”

“It’s the stupid cap,” I grumble.

“If you say so.” The corner of his mouth pulls up. “Have you met anyone interesting lately?” he asks while we follow behind the others.

“Like who?”

“Oh… anyone,” his grin grows into a smile, “like a girl?”

“Who told you?” I ask, letting out a chuckle.

“Your mom went for her usual botox and got to talking with the good doctor.”

“Noooo. Dr. Hunt?” I stop and cover my mouth with a hand. “I’m too scared to ask what they talked about.”

Dad pats me on the shoulder. “Your mother was gushing all night long about how the doctor sang your praises. So, tell me, are you serious about the girl?”

As we near the golf carts, I meet my father’s eyes and nod. “Very.”

“As long as you’re happy, Mace.”

Emotion wells in my chest. “I am, Dad. I really am.”

“You should bring her for dinner. Your mother would love to meet her.”

I nod and then turn my head to Julian as he finishes greeting Lake and Mr. Cutler.

“Mr. Chargill.” Julian and Dad shake hands, and then he waits for Dad to join the others before he holds his hand out to me.

Shaking hands, I already feeling emotional after my talk with Dad, and it has me swallowing before I say, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Julian asks, a look of confusion washing over his face.

“For trusting me.”

A wide smile stretches over his face. “I’ll always have your back, Mason.”

“For a while, I forgot that,” I admit.

Julian nods, and the sadness in his eyes tells me his thoughts immediately went to Jennifer.

My breathing speeds up, and I have to look away when the emotion pushes up my throat. I focus on a tree to the side of Julian, and say, “She would want you to be happy.”

“Look at me, Mace.”

I shake my head, not trusting my voice.

Julian places his hands on my shoulders, then repeats, “Look at me.”

I take a deep breath and bring my eyes back to his face.

“Jennifer was my first love. No matter where this life will take me, she will always be in my heart. One day I might meet a woman who I can see myself settling down with, but that will not mean that I’ve forgotten Jen. You know that, right?”

“I do, and for what it’s worth, I hope you find someone who can make you happy.”

Julian moves an arm around my shoulder, and we slowly walk toward our family.

“It means a lot to me to hear you say that.” He lets out a breath. “Now, let’s kick some ass.”“You’re holding it wrong,” Mr. Cutler tells Lake for what feels like the hundredth time.

“Dad, I’m left-handed,” Lake reminds him.

“Oh, right.”

“Well, don’t I feel loved right now,” Lake jokes as he whacks the ball.

Falcon lets out a burst of laughter when a piece of grass flies into the air and the ball only rolls a couple of inches.

I pretend to cough as I say, “Missed.”

Lake pulls a face at me before he tries again.

Another piece of grass shoots into the air. “If you carry on like that, I’m going to have to replace the entire green by the time you’re done,” Mr. Cutler mutters.

“Thanks, Dad,” Lake says wryly.

Falcon laughs again which has Lake pointing the club at him. “You come hit the damn ball.”

“Dear Lord, I’m watching the blind lead the blind,” Mr. Reyes gripes. “Let me just hit the ball so we can move on.”

We all stand back, and as Mr. Reyes pulls his club back, Julian shouts, “Dad, duck!”

Mr. Reyes smacks the ball totally in the wrong direction, and then he looks up at the sky. “Where?”

“What do you mean where?” Julian asks as he begins to laugh.

“You said there was a duck.”

Lake sinks to his butt, silent laughter making tears trickle over his cheeks while he points a shaking finger at Mr. Reyes.

“Todd, your boy’s going to wet himself,” Mr. Reyes says while trying not to smile.

“Dad, I mean you had to duck down,” Julian explains, and then he cracks up.

“Then tell me to take cover. Don’t yell duck when we’re right by a pond.”

I cover my face with my hand as my body begins to shake.

Then Mr. Reyes asks, “Why did you yell duck, anyway?”

“For god’s sakes, he was distracting you, Warren,” Dad calls out from behind me. “Sometimes I wonder where your head’s at.”

“I can tell you where my club’s going to be shortly,” Mr. Reyes threatens as he sets after Julian, who can barely run from all the laughing.

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