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He lets out a heavy sigh. “I thought about doing that, but I’d eat all my profits.”

A burst of laughter escapes, as I pat him on the back. “That’s for fucking sure.”

When we enter the restaurant, my eyes scan over the students until they land on a table where Kingsley and Layla are sharing a huge piece of chocolate cake.

Lake’s heading toward our usual table, so I grab hold of his arm and tug him toward them.

“Ladies,” I say as I pull out the chair next to Kingsley.

She pops a bite of cake into her mouth as she glances at me.

Da-yumn, I wish my dick was that fork.

Then she sucks the icing off the fucking silverware.

Placing a hand on the table, and the other on the back of her chair, I lean closer. Letting my lips lightly brush across her jaw, I blow a hot breath over her ear. “You keep sucking that fork like a fucking pro, and I’m going to throw you over my shoulder, take you back to your suite, and fuck you senseless.”

She begins to cough and drops the fork. Moving my hand to her back, I pat her a couple of times, and when she catches her breath, I whisper again, “Probably the same response you’ll have when I thrust my cock into your fuckable mouth.”

She makes a squeaking sound and darts up from her chair.

“Need water,” she stammers as she rushes away from the table.

“Kingsley,” Layla calls out, “there’s a whole bottle on the table.” Then she laughs and shakes her head at me. “Don’t be mean to my friend.”

Schooling my face into an innocent look, or as close as I can get to one, I hold up my hands and say, “I didn’t do anything.”

“Yeah right,” Lake mumbles as he gestures for a waiter. When I get up, he asks, “Are you coming back?”

“Yeah, order for me. If I’m not back by the time you’re done just take it to go.”

I set after Kingsley, and when I walk out of the restaurant, I see her heading toward the dorms.

Glancing to my left, my eyes meet West’s. He smirks, then calls out, “Kingsley! Wait up. I want to ask you something.”

My eye begins to fucking twitch when he jogs toward her.

Now, the fucker is looking to be killed.Chapter 21KingsleyThe smile I had from my encounter with Mason, fades from my face as I glance to where West is jogging toward me.

I haven’t forgotten what he said to Mason last time they had a fight.

I cross my arms as I turn to face him.

When he reaches me, he smirks. “I heard you drowned.”

“Near-drowning,” I bite out.

“I also heard your heart stopped.” There’s a flash of smugness on his face.

Slowly, a smile begins to form around my mouth.

I dare you, West.

“So, while you were dead, did you get to see Mason’s sister?”

This guy is so twisted, I knew he was going to say something like that the second he mentioned the drowning.

Placing my hand on his shoulder, I take a step closer to him and whisper, “West.”

“Yeah?” The smug look only growing in his eyes.

I bring my knee up as hard as I can, hitting him where it hurts most. He sinks to his knees and cups his groin while letting out a pain-filled groan.

I cringe as pain shudders through my knee.

Shit, it always looks so easy.

Ignoring the slight ache, I finish my sentence, “Next time you mess with Mason, you’re going to have three Adam's apples.”

Bending over, I catch his tearing eyes. “Unless you want children, you won’t push me.”

When someone presses up against my butt, and hands grip my waist, I let out a shriek as I snap up, my back colliding with a solid chest.

“Don’t bend over like that with those shorts,” Mason’s voice rumbles in my ear. He nudges me forward with his body, so I’ll start walking, then falls in next to me as he places his arm around my shoulders.

Concerned that I might’ve overstepped the boundaries by standing up for Mason begins to niggle at the back of my mind. By the time we reach the elevators, it’s full-blown worry which has me nibbling at my bottom lip.

The doors open and he pushes me inside.

Turning to face him, I begin to ramble, “I’m sorry if I overstepped. It’s just –”

When he grabs hold of my butt and lifts me up against his body, my rambling ends with a squeak.

Not wanting to fall, I quickly wrap my legs around his waist and grab hold of his shoulders.

My startled gaze meets his simmering eyes, and I have to swallow hard because the look he’s giving me is making heat crash over my body.

His voice is low and gravelly when he asks, “You stood up for me, Hunt?”

I nod, not able to trust that my voice will sound normal right now.

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