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Oh yeah, they’d proven that. She might have all these feelings about him, all these thoughts, all these fantasies, but they’d proven they couldn’t make it work. They’d ended in an absolute mess.

But she couldn’t let Gideon down, and right now, Ransom was the only game in town. On the bright side, maybe he wouldn’t be able to fit it in, and then she’d magically find someone else.

Yeah, right. She hit the Call button.

“Miss me already?”

She couldn’t help laughing. Oh God, her guard was so down around him. She needed to be strong now, more than ever. She needed to build a barricade he couldn’t bulldoze his way through.

“I hope Mrs. Anderson is okay.” His words came out fast, as if he really cared.

“A bump on her head, but the doctors say she’ll be fine. They’re not even keeping her overnight.”

He let out a breath as if he’d been holding it. “Good.”

“But that’s not why I called.” Ava rushed into it. “Here’s the deal. Gideon Jones. Wedding on Sunday. Only forty-eight hours away. Caterer just pulled out.” It all came out in one breath, and she gasped for air. “Is there any way you could loan us some chefs and servers? Or if you know of anyone who could do it, that would be amazing too.” She made it clear he didn’t need to take on the task personally.

Without even pausing, Ransom said, “I’ll do it myself.”

“That’s an amazing offer, but considering everything I’ve loaded on you this week, surely someone who works for you could handle it.” She’d say anything to keep him away from the wedding. After spending twenty-four hours being wowed by him, she couldn’t handle both him and all that love in the air.

But Ransom said, “It’s Gideon. It’s a Maverick wedding. You know I’ll do anything for them after everything they’ve done for me.”

“But it’s only forty-eight hours’ notice. Can you actually do it?”

He laughed and teased her by saying, “I could do it in one day, blindfolded.”

“God, you are cocky.” And it was sexy as sin. She’d always found his confidence seductive. “But truly, you only have one full day,” she pointed out. “It’s already six o’clock. And it’s an afternoon wedding.” Then she had to laugh. “I told Gideon that if we couldn’t find anyone, the whole family would pitch in and make the meal ourselves.”

He chuckled with her. “Told you—one hand behind my back, blindfolded. No need to put on your chef’s hat. I’ve got it handled.” So cocky. And so sexy.

If he could do this, he truly was amazing.

But then, he always had been.

* * *

Of course he’d cater a Maverick wedding. Anything for those guys. They’d all helped him. And Gideon’s generosity amazed him—starting his own charity with the millions he’d received for that painting.

While he’d been deployed in the Middle East, Gideon Jones had received a small painting from a fallen comrade, Karmen Sanchez. He later learned the painting was by a famous eighteenth-century Mexican painter, Miguel Fernando Correa. When Gideon sold it, instead of keeping the millions for himself, he’d started the Lean on Us foundation in honor of Karmen Sanchez, benefiting veterans and foster children, two causes close to his heart, he being a veteran and his sister, Ari, having gone through the foster care system while he was overseas.

Oddly enough, it was Dane who’d bought the painting. Or maybe that wasn’t so odd.

Ransom had been more than happy to donate his catering services to Gideon’s New Year’s gala benefiting Lean on Us. And now he pulled up his contacts like a man wielding a Santoku knife.

Gideon answered with enthusiasm. “Ransom Yates. I never expected to hear from you.” But, after talking to Ava, was there really any other choice?

“Ava told me a dastardly caterer pulled out of the wedding at the last minute.”

Gideon’s sigh came through the speaker, filling up Ransom’s living room. “Yeah.” That word held everything—Gideon’s frustration, his fear that the wedding would be ruined, his desire to make it the best for his fiancée, Rosie.

Ransom had met Rosie Diaz at the New Year’s Eve gala, and he knew, through Dane, that she’d just given birth to Gideon’s daughter in July. This was Gideon’s first child, though of course he considered Rosie’s seven-year-old son, Jorge, to be his own.

“I’ll put you on speaker,” Gideon said. “I’ve got Rosie here.”

Rosie came on to say, “Ransom, can you really help us out? It’s so last-minute.”

Ransom spoke straight from the heart. “It’s no problem at all. I’m delighted to do it. Please email me a list of what you’d already planned with the other caterer.” It was unconscionable to cancel and not at least give them an alternative. “But tell me what you’d like. Don’t limit yourself to what you’ve already ordered. And let me know about anything special you’d really like to see.”

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