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“The empire you’ve created is extraordinary.”

She didn’t doubt the sincerity in his voice. “I wouldn’t call it an empire. Because it’s all about my residents.”

“I know that.”

They sped along the highway, the hazardous spill from yesterday cleared away, the road rolling out before them. It was a perfect time of day, the traffic sparse—at least, as sparse as it could be on Bay Area freeways.

“I’ve fed people my whole life,” Ransom said. “Given them what I thought they wanted in addition to what they asked for. But you’ve gone so many steps beyond that. You actually care deeply for every single person living in one of your communities.” She felt his gaze on her, though she didn’t turn his way. “And I don’t use that term lightly,” he added. “You’ve made your facilities real homes for these people. You know their names. You paint their nails.” His smile came out in his voice.

All she could say was, “Thank you,” because her throat was closing up.

He actually respected her. Not only that, he was pretty much saying that her business was better and more worthwhile than his. That was a huge thing for a billionaire like him to admit to anyone—especially to his long-ago ex.

All those years ago, she thought he’d devalued her dreams. And maybe he had back then. But could he be seeing things differently now? She couldn’t know for sure, but she felt honored that he seemed to admire her so much.

“Dane tells me you also do some mentoring.”

Shocked to know Dane had talked about that, she said, “I’m on the board of a couple of nonprofits that help women get back into the workforce after they’re divorced or they’re single moms. We also provide help for women in recovery from drug problems or escaping domestic violence.” She valued being a role model for these women. “It’s hard working in a man’s world, but I want them to know it can be done.”

For the first time, she wondered if she and Ransom could build a future in which his company and hers were linked in more ways than a short-term contract. There was the potential to use his organization all over the country rather than just the Bay Area. His menus were amazing, especially with the way he’d brought them together in less than twenty-four hours.

It was on the tip of her tongue to say that very thing. He seemed to be putting his all into this. But it was still early days, and though she felt herself respecting him more as she saw what he was capable of, he was still a world-famous chef. Once he got things rolling, she could see him saying, “So glad I could help you out, great catering for you, but now I need to return to my fabulous famous chef’s life.”

So really, there was no way she could think long term. They were strictly short term. Just as they’d been the last time he’d flown off to his fabulous famous chef’s life and left her behind.

She had to remember that and not allow herself to get sucked into an illusion.

* * *

Ava had accomplished so much—far more than Ransom had ever imagined she could. Underestimating her had been his mistake.

Silence filled the car the rest of the way back, each of them in their own thoughts. He didn’t mind. It gave him time to think—about her, about their arrangement, about where he wanted all this to go.

If they were to have something together again, he needed to take it slow now, and bide his time. Rushing her would only push her away.

As they drove into the city, he made a decision. “We need to work on the plans more, now that I’ve seen everything. Let’s go to my office. Everything I need is on my computer there. I’ll order some lunch if you’re hungry.”

She laid her hand on her stomach. “Are you kidding? After those pancakes? Thanks, but no, thanks.”

“Good. We can go directly to my office.”

“I’ll drop you off. I need to change first.”

“You look fine just the way you are.” In fact, she looked more beautiful than ever in those sexy wedge tennis shoes, her shoulders bare beneath the flirty spaghetti straps of her sundress.

But he knew better than to say that.

“If it was a Saturday, maybe. And your office was completely empty. But it’s Friday, and people will be working. No,” she insisted. “I’ll change. Do you want me to drop you at your flat or the office?”

He actually liked the idea of walking into work in a Hawaiian shirt and board shorts. And it could be extremely hot to have her all buttoned up in one of her sexy business suits while he was Mr. Casual. “The office would be great. I’ll meet you there as soon as you can make it.”

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