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Years ago, he’d done the cruise ship circuit, but then he’d been more concerned about enticing passengers, and his responsibility had been only the food.

“Maybe not, but it’s something you can do.” Maybe she was remembering his cruise days as well. “It could be a win-win for both of us—a new sector for you to move into. And it doesn’t have to be forever.”

Forever. What they’d never had. It had ended all too soon.

She went on, “I just need someone to fill in until I can do a more exhaustive search.”

“How long?”

She shrugged. “Three months? Six months? I don’t have an exact timetable. It depends on how soon I can find a suitable replacement.”

He looked at her a long moment, considering, the gears in his mind already engaging with the problem. Just as she had, he took a long swallow of his latte. Finally, he said, “We just wrapped up filming for the cooking show, so okay, I’ll do it. When do we start?”

He had the feeling she wanted to punch her fist in the air, but she maintained her cool façade. “I need this done in two weeks.”

Oh, she’d gotten him. Hook, line, and sinker. Allowing him to say yes before she gave him the most pertinent detail. But then, he should have asked before he agreed.

Although it was Ava. He would have said yes anyway.

“I know you can do it.”

Was she pandering to his ego? Not that it mattered. He wanted more time with her, and this was the only way he’d get it.

She stood, bringing the meeting to an end. “I’ll have my assistant send you all the details.”

Even though she must have known the shock he felt at the two-week deadline, she was still trying to dictate the terms.

“I’ll only work with you personally.” He dealt the coup de grâce. “Or the deal’s off.”

* * *

Ava should have known he’d play that card. He knew she was in a bind. But despite the shock she’d seen in his eyes when she’d said two weeks, he hadn’t backed down.

She, however, could fight back. “I have an extensive business to run. My assistant will be much more suited for the job.”

But he stood, shaking his head and smiling. “I run a vast business too. And this project will get done a lot faster if you and I work together. So that’s my deal—you or no one.”

Dammit. She was stuck with only one answer. She had to give it for the sake of her people. “All right. Fine. We’ll do it your way.”

When the words were said, she tamped down a secret little place inside her that was jumping up and down with joy.

God, when would she ever learn to crush her feelings for him? Except anger. But how could she be angry with the man who’d just agreed to bail her out of a mess?

She said the polite thing. “Thank you. I appreciate it. My situation is dire enough that we literally need to start tomorrow. I’ve got a company willing to handle two weeks for me, but that’s it. So the catering issue can’t linger.”

He nodded. “I’ll clear my schedule for this.” Was that triumph in his eyes? Probably. But she had no other choice.

She’d gotten exactly what she’d come for. With that one little exception of working personally with him. He truly had saved her, and she appreciated it more than he could ever know. She left him with another, “Thank you,” but as she turned for the door, she felt his eyes on her as she walked out.

From another man, it might have been creepy. But with Ransom, it felt more like—

She wouldn’t even think about what it felt like.

Striding from his office, she passed his two assistants, a man and a woman, who were still agog at the way she’d barged in. And at the fact Ransom hadn’t thrown her out.

In the elevator vestibule, she stabbed the button, watching the numbers flick up and taking way too long.

She felt him beside her before he said, “That’s the problem with being on the top floor. The elevator takes forever to get up here. Sometimes I just take the stairs.”

They both looked down at her shoes. No way could she take the stairs in her killer high heels.

He did not go away. “I look forward to working with you on this project.”

She simply smiled. Why was he being so friendly, making chitchat, when they’d already said everything that needed to be said back in his office?

Finally, finally, the elevator arrived, and she stepped inside the empty car. The doors were about to close when he smiled. Just that, saying nothing.

But that sexy smile on his lips hit all her buttons.

Though she tried to maintain control of her emotions, all he had to do was smile and her legs melted like butter in the sun.

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