Page 77 of Savage Lover

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Oh shit, oh shit.

I have no idea what’s about to happen to me. I really don’t know anything about Molly, which is ironic since I’m supposed to be one of Levi’s army of dealers. How long does it take to kick in? Can I go hide somewhere and puke it up before anything happens?

I’m already feeling anxious and sweaty, but I don’t know if that’s from the drug or just nerves.

Jesus, why do people do this for fun?

I’m freaking the fuck out.

Patricia grabs my arm.

“Hey! What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just . . . uh, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure. What do you—”

I was going to ask Patricia what the hell I should do. But at that moment I’m distracted by the sight of Bella Page joining Grisha and his friends on the opposite side of the fire. Grisha slings his arm around Bella’s shoulder as soon as he sees her, apparently not aware that she was out on a date with Nero the other day.

I’m not interested in ratting her out. Actually, there’s just one thing I want from Bella.

“Never mind,” I say to Patricia. “Let’s go talk to Bella.”

Patricia stares at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“What? Why would we want to do that?”

“Just humor me, okay?” I say.

Sighing, Patricia trudges across the sand with me, making our way toward the little knot of people.

“Hey! It’s Mario Andretti!” Grisha says as we approach. He laughs and holds out his fist to me for a bump, apparently not holding any grudge about my race against Bella.

Bella is less pleased. She frowns at me, probably thinking she can’t go one damn place in this city without seeing me.

Well, she’s right. I’m going to be all up in her face until I get what I want.

“Hey, Bella!” I say, with false friendliness. “How was your lunch the other day?”

Her eyes get big and her cheeks flush, as she realizes I could blow up her relationship with Grisha if I wanted to.

“It was great,” she says, forced to be civil.

“What lunch?” Grisha asks.

“Bella and I bumped into each other outside her dad’s office,” I say, cheerfully. “I was eating at River Roast.”

“Love that place,” Grisha says. Turning to Bella, he says, “You should have invited me!”

“I didn’t think you’d want to meet my dad just yet,” Bella says awkwardly.

“Parents love me.” Grisha grins. “I’m very charming,”

“My father doesn’t like anybody,” Bella says seriously. Her face looks sad, like that includes herself.

Not allowing myself to feel pity for her, I reach behind her and twine my fingers in a couple strands of her hair. With a quick tug, I pull them out, making Bella yelp and spin around like a bee stung her.

“Ouch!” she yells. “What the hell?”

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