Page 122 of Savage Lover

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“Sure,” he says.

I’m pleased to see that he’s got his homework spread out in front of him, even with the temptation of the new mixing board right next to him.

“Vic, I know we’ve talked about this a bunch of times. But sometimes when something’s theoretical, it’s different than reality . . .”

“What are you talking about?” Vic says, chewing the end of his pencil.

I take a deep breath.

“I found your father. And a sister, too.”

For once, Vic doesn’t dismiss the subject immediately. He sits very still, looking up at me with those big, dark eyes.

“A sister?” he says.


“How old?”

“Uh . . . my age, actually.”

Vic puts the pencil down.

“I guess . . . that is different,” he says.

“Yeah. I know where she is. If you wanted to meet her.”

Vic runs both hands through his hair, thinking hard. I give him time, not interrupting.

Finally he says, “Ask me again in a year. When I graduate.”

I let out the breath I was holding.

“Yeah?” I say. “You sure?”

“Yup.” Vic gives me a quick hug. “I’ve got enough sisters for now.”

I ruffle his hair, hugging him back with my free hand. Then I leave him alone so he can get back to work.

I feel a sense of relief as I walk back to my room. If Vic wants to meet Bella in a year . . . I’m okay with that. It gives me enough time to get used to the idea.

Plus time to figure out how to do it without seriously pissing off Raymond Page.

I get dressed much more carefully than usual. I put on a new red dress that Patricia helped me pick out. It’s got sort of a Latin vibe to it, bright and playful, which isn’t exactly how I’d describe myself, but Patricia assured me that it was the perfect “meet the family” outfit.

I put my hair in a braid while it’s still damp, then I carefully dab on a little lip gloss, the same color as the dress.

I slip my feet into a pair of sandals, then head back down to the auto bay for Nero to pick me up.

The black Mustang pulls into the drive, right on time.

Nero jumps out, kissing me before he opens the door for me.

“You look stunning,” he says.

“I feel like I might throw up,” I admit.

“Don’t worry,” he says. “They’re going to love you.”

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