Page 96 of Finding You

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While Darcy straightened the light-green napkin by Haven’s plate, she considered the other question that had been haunting her for weeks. “I’d love your advice on something, Lola.”

“What’s that?”

“I don’t know how to tell my parents that I found her. I’m so afraid of hurting them, but I also feel terrible for keeping this huge secret from them. What should I do?”

“Honey, I’ve known your folks since you and Haven were freshmen at UNCC, and I’ve always thought they were loving, supportive, and proud of you.” Lola gave her a knowing look. “You need to be honest with them. They’ll understand your need to find your biological mother, and they won’t be angry.”

“You don’t think they’ll feel betrayed?”

Lola shook her head, and her strawberry-blonde bob swished with the motion. “No. In fact, I bet they’ll want to meet her. I’m sure your parents are grateful Robyn had you, and Robyn is grateful for the life they’ve given you.”

“I’m sure you’re right. I just need to find the courage.”

Voices sounded at the doorway to the private party room as shower guests began to arrive.

“Well, here we go.” Lola strutted to the doorway and began welcoming them.

Darcy took a deep breath and joined Lola. Soon the room was full of women who were friends and family members of both Haven and Derek. Darcy and Kaylen invited them to sign the guest book and find their seats.

“Everything looks lovely,” Mom said as she walked over to Darcy.

“I feel like we’ve been planning this forever.” Darcy glanced over to where Lola spoke to a few guests, recalling her advice about telling her parents the truth.

Mom touched Darcy’s shoulder and nodded toward her dress. “You look beautiful. I’ve always said that green is your color.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Once again, she contemplated her conundrum.

“You okay, Darcy?”

She opened her mouth, but her words were cut off by a flurry of claps. She pivoted toward the doorway, where Haven stood. She was gorgeous in a gray pantsuit with a light-blue blouse. Kaylen scurried over and placed a pink sash with the word “Bride” over her, then Darcy hurried over with a tiara and placed it on Haven’s head.

The party spent the next two hours playing games, laughing, and eating delicious food. Throughout the shower, Darcy couldn’t help but ponder the possibility of her own future with Carter. But in order to have that future, Darcy had to be honest with him about her past. Would she ever be ready to share that part of herself with him?

When the shower was over, Haven graciously thanked the guests as Darcy, Lola, Marcia, and Kaylen began cleaning up. Then the hostesses piled the mountain of gifts onto a cart they had borrowed from the waitstaff.

“Oh, good,” Kaylen said. “My brother is here.” She waved Derek over. “You can load all of the gifts into her car.”

Derek gave his younger sister a mock salute. “I’m here to serve.” Then he smiled at Darcy. “How’s it going, Darcy?”

“Everything went off without a hitch.” Darcy began gathering the name tents from the tables. When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she jumped with a start.

Mom stood beside her. “Give me a task so I can help.”

“Would you like to get the balloons together for Haven?”

“Happy to.” Mom started toward the corner where Haven had posed for probably one hundred selfies with guests.

As she watched her mother, a surge of courage overcame Darcy. “Mom,” she called.

“Yes?” Her mother pivoted to face her.

“Could we have lunch tomorrow?” she asked, her hands trembling.

Mom looked surprised. “Don’t we always have lunch together on Sundays?”

“I just wanted to make sure you and Dad weren’t busy.”

Mom grinned. “We’re never too busy for you. I’ll make something special, and you should bring that handsome boyfriend of yours too.”

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