Page 94 of Finding You

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“Great.” Shauna and Gage shared a look. “I think we should tell him.”

“Tell me what?” Carter asked.

Gage made a sweeping gesture toward her. “Go ahead.”

“Well.” Shauna clasped her hands together. “Gage and I have been seeing a fertility specialist, and it’s finally happened.” She sucked in a breath. “You’re going to be an uncle!”

Carter jumped up from his chair, and excitement rushed through him. “That’s fantastic!” He pulled his sister in for a hug and then shook Gage’s hand. “Congratulations!”

“But that’s not all of our news.” She took a deep breath. “We’re having twins!”

Carter’s mouth dropped open. “Twins? That’s amazing!” He hugged his sister again and patted Gage’s back.

“Thanks.” Gage pulled Shauna against him. “We’ve been praying for this for a long time.”

Shauna nodded. “I was beginning to think it wouldn’t happen. We wanted to wait until we were sure before telling anyone. Today I had a checkup, and we confirmed everything is looking good. We’re due at the end of March, but twins usually come early.”

“I’m so excited for you,” Carter said, certain his joy would bubble over.

She hugged him. “Thank you. I couldn’t wait to tell you, but our appointment was late, so we decided to grab something to eat first.” She started through the kitchen. “And now I’m exhausted again. I’m going to take a shower.”

Gage grabbed a can of Coke from the refrigerator and held it out to Carter. “Want one?”

“Sure.” Carter accepted the can and sat down on his chair.

“I’ve been dying to tell you, but Shauna wanted confirmation first. We’ve had some heartbreaks in the past, so we didn’t want to get our family excited only to have to tell everyone that something went wrong.” He sat down across from Carter. “How was the shop this afternoon after I left?”

“Fine.” Carter’s mind spun as he considered what it would mean for Shauna and Gage to become parents. Carter couldn’t wait to be an uncle, but surely he’d be in the way—especially when they brought home twins. Now he truly had to find a way to move out—and within six months.

Gage took a drink and studied Carter. “What’s on your mind?”

“Just excitement.”

Gage’s smile was wide. “This has been such a long journey.” His smile wobbled. “Seeing Shauna so distraught over it has been tough. I’m thankful it’s finally happening for us.”

Carter popped open his can. “When you came in, I was trying to figure out a way to pay off my loan early. Once I get my act together, I’ll find my own place. That way you and Shauna won’t have an extra person around while you’re taking care of babies.”

His brother-in-law gave him a look of disbelief. “Please, Carter. You’ve never been in the way. I don’t know why you think you are.”

“It’s not just that.” Carter took a drink from the can. “I want a future with Darcy, but I don’t know how to get out from under this debt.”

Gage’s expression brightened. “So things are going well with her.”

“They are.” Carter considered his options. “I was thinking maybe I should sell the Road Runner. I could get more for it with a rebuilt engine, but the car body is in excellent shape. I’m sure there’s a collector out there—”

Gage held his hand up. “Whoa, Carter,” he interrupted. “I know how much that car means to you. I’d hate to see you sell it.”

“If it meant rebuilding my life, then I’d do it.”

“I know you care for Darcy. I can tell by the way you talk about her, and it’s obvious she makes you happy. You deserve to be happy, Carter.” He paused as if working through something in his mind. “But if you let that car go, you’ll regret it. I know how much your grandparents meant to you, and that car was a big part of your memories of your grandfather.”

Carter nodded. “Right.”

“Would you consider something else first?” Gage paused. “There might be another way for you to get back on your feet, but you need to listen.”

“I’m listening.”

“You know that Shauna found your father.”

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