Page 88 of Finding You

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“You haven’t mentioned Mrs.Deese in a while. Has she been by to visit you lately?”

When Carter grinned, Darcy felt relief flutter through her. She had missed that glorious smile. “As a matter of fact, she came in yesterday insisting that her wiper blades were broken again.”

“Were they?”

He shook his head. “She needed washer fluid. And I took care of it for her, of course.”

They both laughed, and Carter shared more funny customer stories while they finished breakfast.

When their plates were clean, Carter carried them to the counter. “I’ll clean up so you can get on the road.” He opened the dishwasher.

“No.” Darcy reached for the plates. “You did the cooking, and I also don’t believe you slept well on the sofa.”

He gave her a knowing smile. “I got this.” He nodded toward the stairs. “Go.”

She stilled and then rushed upstairs, where she took her daily cocktail of medications required to keep her transplant healthy. She brushed her teeth, fixed her makeup, and tucked a few flyaway hairs into her braid.

When she returned to the kitchen, Carter was washing the pans.

“You really don’t need to do that,” she said as she gathered up her purse.

“I don’t mind.” He set one of the pans on the drying board. “How should I lock up? Is there a keypad next to the garage?”

Darcy hedged.

Carter held up his hands. “Unless, of course, you don’t want me to know the code, which I respect.”

“It’s not that.” She moved to the end of the counter and opened the junk drawer. She found the spare key—Jace’s spare key—and stared at it. To hand the key to Carter would feel like a big step in a new direction. She closed her eyes. Was she making too much of this? If not, then why were her insides tied up in a knot?

A hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

“Hey, I was kidding. I’ll just set the bottom lock and pull the door closed. You don’t have to—”

“It’s fine,” Darcy said, interrupting him. She held the spare key out for him. “Here’s a key.”

Carter’s eyes widened. “Thanks. I’ll give it back to you.”

“No. Keep it.” She kissed him. “I’ll call you later. Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome,” he called as she hurried out the door to meet her biological mother for the first time.


Darcy fidgeted with her purse strap while she stood on Oak Street in Matthews. She scanned the nearby parking lot, looking for anyone who might possibly be Robyn. She paced back and forth, imagining all kinds of scenarios for how the meeting might go. What if she and Robyn had nothing in common? What if they sat awkwardly and stared at each other?

Or what if they bonded immediately, and Darcy walked out of there feeling complete for the first time in her life?

Darcy already felt guilty for looking for her biological mother because her adoptive parents had given her such a wonderful life. They had provided her with nothing but love and unending support. If she were to become close with Robyn, though, they might feel slighted or taken advantage of. Even worse, they might feel left behind. Betrayed.

She folded her jittery hands.


Turning, she came face-to-face with Robyn. She sucked in a breath as she looked into green eyes that reflected hers. Although Robyn’s blonde hair had a few strands of gray, and though her lips had surely thinned with age, Darcy still knew she was looking into a face that resembled her own.

For the first time in her life, she was looking at her biological family. Darcy felt an immediate connection—something unexplainable, warm, and overwhelming.

“Hi,” Darcy whispered.

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