Page 45 of Finding You

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“That was horrible. My buddies never let me forget about it.” He hit a button on his radio and tuned in to an older country station.

When Tim McGraw’s “Red Ragtop” started to play, Darcy sat up straight. “I love this song!” She began singing along with it, and Carter grinned.

When Carter steered his truck down Main Street in Flowering Grove, he darted a glance over to her. “How do you feel about picnics?”

“I love picnics, but I haven’t been on one in a long time. My mom used to take me when I was little.”

“Good answer.”

“Whew.” She wiped pretend sweat off her forehead. “I was worried I was in trouble for a second there.”

He laughed again, and she enjoyed the deep sound. Talking and joking with Carter was so easy, so natural. Already it was like they’d known each other for a long time.

He steered the truck into a parking spot at Flowering Grove Park, then killed the engine. They met at the back of the SUV, where he unloaded a large picnic basket and a blanket.

“Would you like to pick out our picnic spot?” he asked.

“I’d be honored.”

Darcy carried the blanket, and he toted the basket as they entered the park. The sweet scents of grass and flowers mixed with the delicious aroma of burgers cooking on a nearby grill. She looked out toward the swing sets and slides, where children played and a cluster of young women sat on benches and talked. She spotted a toddler with blonde pigtails walking hand in hand with a young woman, and she felt that familiar longing swelling in her chest. Maybe someday...

Dismissing the thought, she turned to where a pair of chipmunks scampered past and then disappeared into a cluster of bushes.

She chose a quiet spot away from the playground and spread out the blanket. Then they sat down beside each other, and Carter began unloading the basket.

“I hope you don’t mind sandwiches,” he said. “I picked up some rolls, lunch meat, cheese, potato salad, chips, bottles of water, and cookies for dessert.”

“I do love a good sandwich.” He’d even chosen provolone, her favorite kind of cheese.

He smiled and handed her a plate. They built the sandwiches and then began to enjoy their meal.

Darcy looked up at the bright-blue sky and then took another bite of her sandwich. When she turned toward Carter, she once again contemplated his reaction to her townhouse. She felt the urge to explain herself, to amend the impression he might be forming about her. “I need to tell you something.”


Her heart thudded as she tried to gather the words to tell him about Jace.

Carter tilted his head. “Take your time.”

“My townhouse. I want to explain why my parents bought it for me.”

He held his hand up. “You don’t need to explain anything.”

“I do actually. I told you the townhouse was a gift, but it was more than that.” She took a deep breath. “The house was a wedding gift. I was engaged. I moved in first, and my fiancé was going to join me after the wedding.”

He nodded slowly. “Oh.”

Her hands trembled as she searched for the courage to tell him what happened. “My... my fiancé passed away about eighteen months ago. His name was Jace.” A wave of remorse and grief for Jace engulfed her, and she tried to push past it.

Don’t cry, Darcy. Keep it together.

Carter opened his mouth but closed it as concern seemed to overtake his expression. “I’m so sorry, Darcy.” He rubbed her shoulder. “What happened to him?”

He took her hand in his, and the feel of his warm skin against hers encouraged her to continue. “He was on his way to the...” She hesitated. She wasn’t ready to share about her kidney transplant. Not yet. “I was working late that day, and we had plans to meet at the townhouse for supper. He ran an errand for me—an errand I should have run for myself—but I was so distracted...”

She sniffed, and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Jace had the green light to turn, and a man in a pickup truck wasn’t paying attention and broadsided him.” She swallowed as the details of that day filled her mind. “Jace’s car rolled.” She took a shaky breath. “His seatbelt failed, and he died on impact.”

“Darcy, I’m so sorry that happened to him. And to you.” He looped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him.

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