Page 24 of Finding You

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“Yes, I will.” The corners of his mouth lifted. “Are you asking me so you can invite Carter to join you?”

A flush overtook her cheeks. “Apparently, I’m pretty transparent.”

“Only to us,” Dad said.

Darcy laughed. She was beyond grateful for her wonderful parents.

But she still felt that pull toward the past—toward her biological mom and the answers to years’ worth of questions. Darcy just hoped her parents would understand when she finally found the courage to find her.


Smoky meowed and rubbed against Carter’s shin before flopping next to the Volkswagen sedan sitting in Carter’s stall.

“I think he’s saying you’re taking too much time on that brake job,” Gage called from the other side of the shop.

“No, he was just telling me I deserved a break.” Carter took a long drink from his bottle of water.

The temperature had risen during the past week. This part of North Carolina usually tried to skip spring and barrel straight into summer, so even though it was only the second Thursday in May, it already felt more like mid-July. The humidity wrapped around Carter like a hot, wet blanket. If only the shop had air-conditioning instead of those big fans that only managed to move the hot air around instead of offering any relief.

Carter’s phone buzzed with a text, and he sauntered over to his toolbox to read a message from Derek McGowan.

He thought back to the night he’d spent with Derek, Darcy, and Haven, then blew out a resigned sigh. It had been almost two weeks since he’d talked to Darcy. He had picked up his phone at least a dozen times with the intention of texting her, but such a move felt a bit too bold—and frankly, his skills in the dating department were rusty. Now he just needed to find a way to push through his thoughts, which seemed impossible since Darcy always seemed to linger at the back of his mind.

He opened Derek’s text message.

Derek: Hey Carter! Are you free Saturday night?

Carter: Sure am. What’s up?

Derek: I’m having a housewarming party at my place. Would love for you to come. Nothing fancy. Just a bunch of friends coming over to eat.

Carter: Sounds great. What can I bring?

Derek: Just yourself. See you then!

Carter: Can’t wait.

Derek sent Carter the address and the time details for the get-together, then Carter set his phone back on his toolbox. If Derek was having friends over, then Haven would be there. And if Haven was there, certainly Darcy would come too.

He may have missed his chance with her, but he’d still get to see her. And that would have to be enough.


On Saturday night, Darcy opened a bag of chips and poured the contents into a large bowl. She scanned Derek’s spacious kitchen while Haven flittered around, gathering up a container of pasta salad and setting it on a tray, along with plates, utensils, and cups.

The delicious smell of the beef and chicken kabobs cooking on the grill wafted in from the deck through the open sliding glass door just behind the breakfast nook. Voices buzzed from guests milling around outside and in the family room beyond the kitchen.

“I need to find the tablecloth so I can set the table on the deck.” Haven shook her head. “I should have done it earlier, but I was helping Derek with last-minute cleaning.”

Darcy stepped toward the bar that separated the kitchen from the breakfast nook and spotted the disposable blue tablecloth. “I got it. I’ll set the table.” She reached for the tray.

“No, I can do it. Would you grab the pitcher of tea in the fridge though?”

“Sure.” Darcy placed the tablecloth on Haven’s tray and then retrieved the pitcher.

“Have you heard from Carter since the car show?”

“No.” Darcy turned toward the counter, the large pitcher teetering in her hand. When she lost her grip, the cold liquid sloshed and spilled out from the open lid, dripping down her yellow shirt. Groaning, she set the container down, grabbed a paper towel, and rubbed it down her front. “Just great,” she griped.

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