Page 113 of Finding You

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Just then the DJ’s voice crackled over the large speakers. “All right, folks. It’s time to put your hands together for the new Mr. and Mrs.Derek McGowan!”

Claps, whistles, and hoots broke out around the room as Derek and Haven made their grand entrance and paraded to the center of the room.

“And now the best man and maid of honor. Let’s give it up for Liam McGowan and Darcy Larsen!” the DJ called, and more claps, hoots, and whistles sounded.

Darcy held on to Liam’s arm and beamed as they joined the bride and groom in the center of the dance floor.

Carter’s heart squeezed as he watched his beautiful girlfriend. Her eyes seemed to search the room, and she smiled when she found him standing with her parents. Josie and Ross waved to her.

“And lastly, we have the bridesmaid and groomsman—Kaylen McGowan and Vince Morrisette!” the DJ exclaimed, and everyone clapped and cheered again.

“Now we invite everyone to please take your seats,” the DJ said. “Dinner will be served shortly.”

“It was nice seeing you, Carter,” Josie said before taking Ross’s hand. “We need to go say goodbye to Haven and Darcy.”

Ross patted Carter’s shoulder. “Don’t be a stranger.”

“We’ll have you and Darcy over for supper as soon as we get back,” Josie promised. Then they started over toward the crowd gathered around the bride and groom.

Carter lingered by the table while Josie and Ross said something to Darcy and each hugged her. Then Darcy whispered something to Kaylen before making a beeline to Carter.

She closed the distance between them and took his hand in hers. “No more waiting. We’re going to talk. Now.”

Holding his hand, she guided him toward the door. Carter wasn’t ready for this. He felt his heart begin to crack.


Darcy’s stomach dipped as she led Carter to the far end of the parking lot. While she waited for him to speak, he kept his dark eyes focused on something in the distance. She was sure he was avoiding her stare.

“Carter, please talk to me.”

He finally turned toward her, and the pain in his eyes took her breath away. He cleared his throat. “I love you, Darcy. With my entire heart. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.”

She nodded, and her lip trembled. “I love you too, Carter.” She took a step toward him as worry and confusion drenched her. “Tell me what’s going on. I can’t take seeing you so upset.”

He studied his loafers. “I realized something last night.”


Carter’s lips twisted. “When I told you I would be completely honest with you from now on, I meant it.”

“Okay.” A feeling of foreboding washed over her.

“Complete honesty, no matter what. No matter how difficult it is to tell you the truth.” His eyes seemed to glisten, and when he finally faced her, he sniffed.

“Carter, what’s wrong?” Her words were measured.

He faltered again.

“Carter, please,” she said.

He rubbed his sternum. “My transplant was also April3, two years ago.”

“The same day as mine?”

“Right.” He rocked back on his heels. “Shauna and I have incompatible blood types since our parents were different blood types. So she also gave a kidney for me as a paired donor through a swap. She gave to a sixteen-year-old girl.”

“Okay...” Darcy tried to decipher what he was saying. She glanced past him just as her mother’s BMW SUV motored out of the parking lot.

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