Page 105 of Finding You

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After dinner and a delicious tiramisu dessert, Darcy and Carter said goodbye to the bride, the groom, and the other guests. Then they traipsed out to Carter’s truck in the parking lot. The late October sky was clogged with gray clouds, and the air smelled like rain. She hugged her arms to her chest and wished she had grabbed a sweater.

“Oh no,” Carter groaned as he pulled his keys from his pocket.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t believe I left my wallet at home. We’re gonna have to stop by my place on our way to yours.”

“No problem,” Darcy exclaimed. “I haven’t seen Shauna in a while.”

Carter unlocked his truck, wrenched open the passenger side door, and held out his hand to her. She took it, and he lifted her into the seat.

As she watched him jog around the front of the truck, more excitement poured through her. She was so relieved and grateful that he loved her too. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held.


“I have to be at the church early tomorrow to help Haven get ready,” Darcy explained.

Darcy’s words about the wedding became background noise to his thoughts. He couldn’t stop his smile. Darcy loved him, and he loved her! He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this happy.

Maybe he’d never been this happy. Ross had been right—Darcy did want a future with him, and now they could plan it. He had the Road Runner advertised, and as soon as he sold it, he would pay off his loan, move out on his own, and finally start his life. Oh, he couldn’t wait!

“Carter? Carter!”

He blinked when he realized Darcy had been calling his name. “Sorry. What?”

She eyed him, and he shifted in the seat. He was aware of how well his girlfriend could read his expressions and his mood, and though he found it endearing at times, at this moment it was unnerving.

“What were you thinking about?”

He smiled, took her hand in his, and kissed her knuckles. “How much I love you.”

She beamed. “I love you too.”

“Good.” He grinned. “Glad we agree on that.”

Carter turned onto his block. When he neared the driveway, his eyes locked on a silver Ford Fusion with a Tennessee license plate parked behind Gage’s pickup truck. He immediately recalled what Shauna had told him the night he had come home from the beach:

I haven’t spoken to Dad yet, but I think he might be in Tennessee.

A ball of lead formed in Carter’s stomach as he parked the truck. Gage had been trying to warn him about this.

“Oh no.” Dread sank in bone-deep. “No, no, no, no. Not tonight...”

Darcy leaned toward him. “What’s wrong? Whose car is that?”

Unable to speak, he shook his head, pushed his door open, and hopped out of the truck. The sky was packed with dark clouds, and the air held the threat of rain.

“Carter? Carter!” Darcy called after him.

He ignored her while squaring his shoulders and marching toward the house.

Darcy rushed after him, her heels clicking on the rock pathway that led to the front door. “Carter Anthony Donovan, please stop and talk to me!” Her voice shook.

He turned to face her, holding up a hand. “Wait in the truck, okay?” He worked to pronounce his trembling words as calmly as possible.

“No.” Her eyes glittered, and she rubbed her hands over the sleeves of her dress. “You’re worrying me, Carter.”

“Please, Darcy, I’m begging you. I promise I’m just going to grab my wallet from my dresser. I’ll be right back.”

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