Page 44 of Chasing the Puck

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Hudson chuckles. “Cool?”

“Yeah, it’s just …” I tilt my head, trying to put my finger on why that piece of information impresses me. “Olivia’s into artsy and intellectual stuff, right? She’s in the drama department. Most of those people can be … kinda snobby, you know? They’d think they’re above reading anything except the classics. The fact that Olivia isn’t like that, that she’s as intellectual and artistic as they come but has no qualms enjoying what she likes … I dunno, just think it’s cool is all.”

Hudson’s quiet for a beat, but then sputters out a laugh. “Dude. If you could see the lovesick look on your face right now.”

I blow a raspberry. “Whatever, bestie. You’re seein’ things.”

I push up from the couch and head to the refrigerator for a beer.

Hudson’s probably not wrong about the look on my face. Not that I’m in love with Olivia or anything. I mean, that would be ridiculous. Despite my best efforts, we hardly really know each other.

But I can’t deny that I am in … fuck, I don’t know what it is exactly, but I’m in something with her.

The fact that I haven’t seen her or talked to her since we got in that argument over me having her car fixed last week hasn’t dulled any of my feelings.

I still think about her all the time.

Still hope that every time I turn a corner while walking downtown or step into a building on campus, that chance will put her in my path, that I’ll see a glimmer of forgiveness in her eyes, just the slightest invitation to make a stupid joke that has her fighting laughter that she wants to fight less and less each time.

“Oh!” Summer exclaims as I lower myself back on the couch, sipping on my beer. “We think we figured out the book Cindy gave Kazu!”

Now that news has me perking up. Watching the ramen shop owner Kazu and the bookshop owner Cindy awkwardly dance around their obvious feelings for each other has been my, Hudson, and Summer’s own personal reality-show-slash-romcom for the last couple months.

“What?” I ask, leaning forward with interest.

“A book called Days at the Morisaki Bookshop,” Summer says. “We’re pretty sure it’s the book you guys saw Cindy give him, because get this. Hudson saw him reading the book last week and noticed that he was almost on the last page. I saw him reading the book a couple days ago, and he was definitely just starting it.”

My eyes pop. “He’s reading the same book over and over. Just because Cindy gave it to him.” I jerk my hand up to cover my heart. “It’s so adorable I can’t take it.”

“I know!” Summer exclaims, her legs kicking.

“You two,” Hudson murmurs, shaking his head.

“Don’t you pretend you’re not wrapped up in this relationship drama, too,” Summer reprimands him, slapping at his chest.

“Yeah,” I pile on. “You think it’s as adorable as I do. You’re kicking your feet on the inside.”

Hudson rolls his eyes, but he sure doesn’t deny it. Summer and I both know he’s a softie on the inside despite his gruff and grumpy exterior.

He unfolds himself from the couch. “Getting a beer myself. You want anything, Summer?”

“No thanks,” she answers.

“Tell me this at least,” I say to Summer as Hudson walks to the kitchen. “Did Olivia at least use her car to do those next audition rounds in Burlington?”

Summer smiles at my question. “She did. She’s feeling pretty optimistic about getting the role, too.”

I pump my fist. “Nice!” If she has to be mad at me in exchange for getting an opportunity she totally deserves, well, I’ll take that deal all day long.

“The car’s working great. So great that she’s got no worries about the two-hour drive she has to New Hampshire next weekend.”

I quirk an eyebrow. “New Hampshire? Next weekend?”

“Yeah. The drama department asked her to go to this event the college is participating in. It’s some kind of gala with other colleges from the region. They booked her a really nice hotel room and are giving her a big gift card for gas money that’ll have plenty left over. She’s treating it like a miniature vacation.”

The NECA gala. Olivia is going to the NECA gala.

The gala Rhys got selected to go to for the team. The gala that Rhys really doesn’t want to go to.

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