Page 8 of Viktor

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Emerson snatched the paper away from Tegan. Sure enough, there was a picture of her and Viktor dancing on the moonlit balcony all by themselves. Thankfully, the picture hadn’t shown her bare feet standing atop his.

“I didn’t have sex with him,” said Emerson.

She was about to read both of her sisters the riot act when a delivery guy knocked on the door. He didn’t look like their usual Amazon or UPS person. He had flowers, some kind of tube and a box tied with ribbon. Kendra set her bowl down and opened the door.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am. I have a special delivery for Emerson Ravenel.”

“I can sign for it,” offered Kendra.

“No ma’am. I was told only to deliver it to Ms. Ravenel.”

“I’m Emerson Ravenel,” she said, starting to push back from her desk.

The delivery person sidestepped Kendra and set the packages down on Emerson’s desk. He then withdrew a small envelope from his inside pocket. “And this is for you as well. May I ask for a piece of ID? The gentleman who arranged for this was adamant that it only be delivered to you.”

“Sure,” said Emerson, digging out the passport she kept in her desk drawer and showing it to him.

“Thank you,” he said, handing her the envelope.

“Hang on,” she said, “let me pay you for your trouble.”

“No, ma’am, but thank you. The gentleman was quite specific about not accepting any renumeration from you, but I’ll tell you I wouldn’t, anyway. He paid me a lot of money to see this was done the way he wanted, and indicated there could be a permanent job in it for me if I followed his instructions.”

“Well, then, I’ll just say thank you.”

The delivery man tipped his hat. “It was my pleasure. Have a blessed day.”

“I will.”

When he was gone, both Tegan and Kendra turned to face her.

“What the hell was that all about?” asked Kendra.

“I don’t know,” Emerson said with a smirk, “but let’s find out.”

She opened the beautiful parchment envelope, which she was pretty sure was handmade paper and began to read aloud the note she found inside.


Please forgive any boorish behavior on my part last night. My only excuse is that your beauty, warmth, and intelligence captured my imagination.

The delivery man should have returned your shoes and brought you a bouquet of various roses mixed with wildflowers. I know you have an interest in Fabergé eggs so thought this vase might be of interest. It is very old and made by Fabergé. It was smuggled out of the country when members of the imperial family escaped.

No doubt the most intriguing package is in the long tube. Consider it a gift from my great-great-grandmother to be used if and when you feel it is necessary.

If you’re still reading this, I am hopeful you would allow me to take you to lunch today, or a day of your choosing if today is inconvenient.



Kendra snatched the note away. “I’ll say this; he has beautiful penmanship.”

Tegan lifted up the vase. “Do you think it’s real?”

Emerson eased it out of her hands. “Real enough that I can’t accept anything of this value. Go get another vase.”

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