Page 46 of Viktor

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“How did you end up with MI-6?”

“Who says I did?”

She grinned. “Everybody and their brother. It’s not much of a secret.”

“MI-6 needed operatives who spoke Russian fluently and with a legitimate Russian accent. I filled the bill and wanted to do something with my life.”

“Why did you quit working for them and come to America?”

“Who says I did? Perhaps I’m still working for them and have come to discover all of the secrets that Ravenel Reliance is harboring. Or perhaps I’m really a double agent or a triple one.”

“If you’d rather not answer me, just say so.”

He pushed her down in the bed and covered her body with his own. “What I would prefer, dushka, is to ravage your body repeatedly for the rest of the night.”

Emerson started to protest. Viktor seemed to want to know everything about her—past, present, and future—but whenever she got a little too close or a little too intimate, he found a way to redirect her energy and put her brain into neutral. His mouth covered hers, his tongue plunging deep, as he silenced her and began to prove not only his desire to drive her past thinking, but his ability, to do so.



In the early morning hours before dawn had even thought of kissing the eastern horizon, Viktor heard his phone vibrating on the bedside table and reached for it, nuzzling and shushing a woozy Emerson, who slept curled up against him. He grinned. She would feel hung over come morning—not from booze but from the intensity of their scene and the numerous times he’d made her come last night.

Seeing the caller ID, he groaned. He wanted to pitch the phone across the room or answer it with a string of curse words, but Fitzwallace wouldn’t be calling him if it wasn’t important—not at this time of the morning, especially as he and JJ had been at the club last night.

“I think it goes without saying this had better be bloody important,” Viktor growled into the phone.

“It is. I take it the fair Ms. Ravenel is lying next to you.”

“She is. Is that it? Now that I’ve satisfied your grumpy, nosy old soul, can I hang up and go back to sleep?”

Fitz chuckled. “I wish, but something important has come up. I think you’re going to want to be involved. I could use your expertise and your opinion. I’d rather have you in from the start.”

“I truly hate you. It’s a good thing I like JJ so much, otherwise I’d slit your throat and be done with you, but I’d hate to deny her the pleasure of your company.”

“That isn’t it, and we both know it. You kill me, and you’ll have JJ after you in a heartbeat, and she wouldn’t stop until she’d cut your balls off, shoved them down your throat and watched you choke on them.”

Fitz wasn’t wrong about his wife’s reaction to someone killing the love of her life. Viktor had never understood that kind of depth of feeling, until now.

“Do I have time for a shower?”

“That depends,” said Fitz, “are we talking actual soap and water, or are we talking about you having your woman one more time?”

“Any chance the answer would be yes if I said the latter?”

“None whatsoever. Seriously, Viktor, if it wasn’t important…”

“I know. I need ten minutes. Where am I going?”

“Out the front door. I’m waiting in the SUV.”

Viktor couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’d bloody well better have my coffee.”

“Large blonde roast with an extra shot. If you play your cards right, I’ll even add a splash of vodka.”

“Philistine. Everyone knows you only add whiskey to coffee.”

“Consider it done.”

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