Page 35 of Love Song, Take Two

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So you picked a country bar?


People in tight jeans, Mick. And a mechanical bull. It writes itself.


We’re in California, Tate, there are no cowboys. We’ve got surfers galore.


Ugh, surfers are so gross.


I see the surfer that broke your back is no longer of interest.


I don’t want to talk about it.




So Slutty Saturday at The Loose Lasso?


That’s fucking perfect. I hope this place pans out, or the double alliteration and innuendo would be for nothing.


See you sluts tonight. Yeehaw!

“Are you enjoying your music lessons?” Micah asked once she and Emery were seated on the low wall outside their favorite ice cream shop, Lickity Splits.

Emery made a noncommittal sound and shrugged. “I don’t know if Fletcher is enjoying teaching me, though.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s being really nice, but I’m pretty sure I suck.”

Micah smiled around a spoon of chocolate caramel swirl, because it was clear that Fletcher would never actually say ‘you suck’, but do everything in his power to help Emery improve.

“Maybe you should ask him what he thinks of your progress today.”

“What if he says I should quit?”

“He won’t,” Micah insisted. Fletcher was sometimes too nice for his own good and hurting someone else like that was not his style. “But you’re having fun, right?”

She shrugged again, staring into her cup of dark chocolate ice cream. “I guess. Fletcher and Benson are great, they’re super encouraging, but maybe I’m wasting my time and your money.”

“Em.” Micah nudged her daughter so she lifted her head. “Don’t worry about other people, this is about you. Life is too short to wonder what other people think. Besides, I’m happy to spend however much it takes for you to find something you’re enjoying. So, let me ask you again: are you enjoying music lessons?”

“Yes. Fletcher’s cool, he’s patient and really nice even when I screw up. Plus, Nico’s there,” she added the last bit with a smile, blush spreading up her neck.

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