Page 29 of Love Song, Take Two

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“I don’t know how many of you know this,” he started and Micah looked up in time to find the whole band staring at them. “The reason I became a musician is because of a band called The Rescuers and I’m losing my shit because standing right in front of me is one of the greatest drummers to ever exist in the world.”

Fletcher blushed, but Micah saw the smile tugging at his lips. She knew that he was the most private member of the band and that being called out like this was not exactly the most exciting thing for him.

“I apologize for putting you on the spot, Mr. Kelley, but it would be my absolute honor if you could perform one song with us today?”

“He would love to,” Micah said, drawing Fletcher’s unimpressed glare. “Come on, Fletch, just one song. Do it for me.”

He sighed heavily, like it was such a task to get up on that stage and sing with a band that admired him. Pressing a kiss to the side of her head, Fletcher squeezed her hip and to loud cheering, he climbed onto the stage as an acoustic guitar was handed to him.

“For the record,” he said, speaking directly into the microphone, eyes drifting to hers. “I haven’t performed in years and I’m only doing this because my date won’t let us go home otherwise.”

The crowd laughed and she shrugged, arms crossed over her chest. His entire career with The Rescuers, Fletcher had sat behind the drums and while she knew that he could play every instrument known to man, she’d never seen him do it. Over the years, Micah had made it a point not to look up videos or any other kind of content in regards to him. Because she knew that once she laid eyes on him, she would completely lose herself and she didn’t ever want to go down that road.

Fletcher cleared his throat as he strummed the guitar and then spoke again. “When I wrote this song sixteen years ago, I never imagined it would become so popular.” His eyes found hers again and she pressed her lips together as the opening chords of “Mermaid” filtered through the speakers. “This was always for you, Mick.”

Micah’s eyes widened and her heart clenched as he started singing. In that moment, with her brain short-circuiting, she realized that he hadn’t simply dedicated the song to her, the whole thing was about her. Tears pricked the back of her eyes and she pressed one hand to her chest, her heart beating so fast she was sure she was going to pass out any minute.

One night will never be enough

Her curves so soft, her heart so tough

With eyes that glitter in the dark

Every inch of my skin sparked

As she lures me away from the shore

She’s got me moving oars, faster.

I’d row for miles, just to take her harder

Those hands in my hair,

A mouth that stole my air.

She’s got me moving my oars,

Luring me away from the shore

She’s got me hook, line and sinker

Dragging me into her depths

A siren, an angel, the brightest star

My mermaid.

When the rest of the band joined in on the second verse, taking Fletcher’s attention off her, Micah stumbled backwards and away from the crowd. She blinked back tears and hurried to the restroom, Fletcher’s gruff voice following her until she closed the door and leaned against it. Her heart threatened to beat its way out of her chest and her knees were not going to hold her steady if she didn’t find somewhere to sit. Locking the door to one of the stalls, she covered the toilet and sat down, burying her face in her hands. She should have been happy to know that “Mermaid” was about her, but it was also startling to know that this man had felt so much for her then that he wrote an incredible song about her.

Once she’d gotten her breathing steady, she stepped out of the stall to look at herself in the mirror. The dull sounds of the song filtered into the restroom, but she focused on herself. The woman staring back at her in the mirror wasn’t the same one Fletcher wrote the song about, she wasn’t even the same woman that married Geoffrey. She’d changed so much since that night sixteen years ago, but at the same time that young girl still existed somewhere inside her. Wetting a paper towel, she dabbed it against her neck and chest, cooling down her warm skin.

Being with Fletcher already made her feel a certain way, but knowing how he felt was a whole other thing—discombobulating, exciting, and fun. He’d been so enamored with her sixteen years ago and Micah had been obsessed with him then. To be called backstage by a musician you admired and had a crush on was a really big deal. She’d put on this act of being a confident woman, sexually experienced and dominating in bed; truth was she had been none of those things. In Fletcher’s presence, she’d put on her armor and she’d worn it recklessly.

Micah was that woman now. Geoffrey had never been interested in the kinkier parts of sex, not that Micah was experimenting that much. He was a missionary position, two pump chump. Some days, she wondered how she got knocked up when the sex was pretty average. Especially when she’d experienced mind-blowing sex with Fletcher, and then with other random partners in the years since. Though, it had been a long time since she’d indulged in a fun sex fueled night with someone. Between work, Emery, and trying to keep her head on straight, Micah barely had time for her best friends. So a one night stand that would disappoint? Not interested.

All right, that’s enough lamenting. Get back out there and into the arms of that rockstar.

“Former rockstar,” she muttered to herself. After one more quick look in the mirror, she opened the door to the restroom as a gaggle of young girls stumbled in. Stepping around them, she smoothed down her dress and headed back to the table.

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