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“She asked me if he was on drugs.” I return the gun.

Chip pauses after he pops the magazine to refill the bullets. “The man was remarkably twitchy when he left our meeting room. Put his car in reverse instead of drive and nearly hit a tree, too.”

“Lace never assumes nice things when weird stuff happens. It’s always drugs or alcohol.”

Chip’s head tilts as he lines up a shot. “My poor socially inept little wifey.”

“She’ll have your tongue if she hears you say that.”

Chuckling, he peers sidelong at me and lets the echo of a shot fill the space. “She’ll have my tongue how? In the same way you had Mr. Veleno’s yesterday?”

Like little traitors, my cheeks heat. “Please. It was barely a peck. On a more important topic, is everything set up for the mission tomorrow?”

“You mean your date?”

“I mean the vitally important mission in which to gather heart-stopping, life-destroying intel on a certain Jerk Face McGee.” I cross my ankles and pop my fingers in the tiny pockets of my leather pants. I’ve been wearing a lot of fluff and tights lately. Maybe that’s why I kissed Rowan. I was feeling feminine.

“So you mean your date.” Chip smirks. “Yeah, it’s all set.”

“Cool. Thanks.”

“How does the whole sharing saliva thing impact the rest of your plans?”

“First of all, we didn’t share any saliva—it was a closed-mouth kiss, hardly a brush. And second of all, it changes nothing. If anything, I’m ahead of schedule where his emotions are concerned. The physical intimacy will cement thoughts of me in his head every moment we’re apart. He’s touch-starved and desperate for something loving. Any perceived affection is going to do a number on his damaged soul. He’ll trust me blindly before the sun sets tomorrow.”

“Monster,” Chip states, running his fingers through his hair. Trickles of concern highlight his hazel eyes as he opens his mouth again, but whatever he was thinking fades. Sighing, he puts the safety on and removes the magazine as he turns toward the exit. “What are you going to wear?”

“Is pink going too far?”


“Then pink.”

Chip shakes his head, and my boots click along behind him as we leave the gun range settled near the armory building beyond the central manor I call home.

As we exit into the night, I dread the walk almost as much as I dread the return.

Home has always been full of people, family, all throughout my childhood. Despite that, it’s felt so…empty these past few months. Even with dozens around every corner, even with summer in full swing, it’s so cold these days.

Moonlight breaks through the treetops as we walk among fireflies. My limbs weigh more with every step, and memories make it so hard to breathe.

To escape the thoughts overwhelming me, I say, “Do you think Rowan has a tattoo?”

“Yup. Bet it’s a tramp stamp.”

The idea alone makes me giggle. “I’m using that.”

“Haven’t you tortured the poor guy enough?”

“Nope,” I chirp. “Never. Come on, Chip. He almost drove into a tree after the tiniest kiss. He’s the most fun I’ve had in…” Months. My mirth mellows, and I bite my cheek.

Chip stops, turning toward me as clouds cut off the moon. Darkness swells between us as he releases a slow breath. “Oh…honey.”

It hurts to swallow. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”

Without question, he pulls me into a hug, crushing me against his chest. The sweet, full scent of roses battles to ease the ache. “You know, you—”

“It’s fine,” I repeat, harder. Pushing out of his arms, I fight back tears.

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