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However, stabbing his parents a couple times might help.

I should call my pilot and book that flight.

“Are you insane?” Corbin asks. While strapped to a chair. In a dim warehouse. As I play with a knife and lie on the ground. In an evening gown. That I wore to a ball. That I organized myself. For a ruse.

My plastic smile tips toward wry. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m clearly the pinnacle of mental stability.”

Tension saturates Corbin’s every next word. “What are you going to do with me?”

“I’m crazy, not evil. You’ve been corresponding with Aster, haven’t you? While I was in the trunk, I heard you tell him over the phone to share the faux Maxim Project card with my subordinates. So they’d know the jig was up.” I cock my head at an awkward angle, glancing at Corbin’s face again. It’s ghastly in this light, and that ugly still-healing bruise doesn’t help. “Love the theatrics, by the way, but if you were expecting Aster to alert Rowan and gather the forces so everyone could get the Scooby-doo reveal, sorry to break it to you, but Aster’s one of mine and well aware that the Maxim Project’s a hoax. Lace and Chip are probably having beers with him and laughing while they check the time and wait for me to roll in with a good story.”

Under normal circumstances, Corbin’s aghast expression would make me laugh. Right now, it’s cruel and unnecessary.

I get it, all right?

I’m a monster.

I treat people like puppets and pull strings to make them dance.

It’s fun.

So long as I keep my distance. Don’t make mistakes. Don’t get attached.

Honestly, I’m not even upset right now. I’m just annoyed that my perfect climax was ruined by two idiots going off-script.

Yeah. I’m totally fine.

Peak mental health advocate right here.

“It was a car accident,” I murmur, and my throat tightens.

“What?” Corbin snaps.

“It wasn’t even a job or a dispute or a betrayal. It was just a car accident.” It’s hard to breathe. “Since you haven’t asked about my parents yet, I’m telling you. They died in a car accident. I can’t get revenge. There’s no place for anger. All I have is pain and a sensation that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life.” My eyes close again, and I let the knife clatter against the floor as an ocean wave of heartache sweeps over me. “I needed a game where I could pretend there was a way to save them. I figured if I could save someone else along the way, it would be enough of a distraction to occupy my mind. I didn’t have it in me to dethrone yet another tyrant. I wanted to help someone. Maybe—” I force back a sob. “—maybe I thought if I could teach someone about love, I might remember it myself. I miss my parents, Corbin.” My voice breaks. “I’m sorry I caused you so many problems. I’m not trying to hurt anyone. I’m just dramatic.” I flutter my hand in the air. “The award for Most Over the Top Performance goes to…” I point down at myself. “…me.”

I want a trophy. Or something deep fried. Maybe another orange.

There’s something so inexplicable and nice about sharing an orange with someone.

Heavy thuds hit the small personnel door on the other side of the warehouse behind me, and my heart jumps. This is…unprecedented. “Do you have backup?”

Corbin winces. “No.”

“Huh. Well, whoever that is can’t be too bright. I unlocked the door.”

Another thud. A familiar-sounding swear.

My heart lunges as I place the voice.

Corbin mutters. “Actually, you were…kind of knocked out. That door sticks.”

Breathless, I whisper, “Oh.”

If Rowan’s here, am I about to be rescued?

Did my friends tell him where to find me, knowing Corbin could scream the truth right in front of me?

Maybe they thought I’d be gone already and someone would need to take care of Corbin. Reuniting old friends after their third-act break. Super cute. I’m a fan.

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