Page 91 of Dirty Pleasures

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I stared at him. A mixture of surprise and recognition washing over me. He was me, yet not me—a reflection from a parallel world where paths had diverged.

Lunita stepped into the room. “The witch taught her how to come here. I told you that I should kill the witch.”

A deep voice left him. “And I said that it would be impossible with the Lion’s people watching her.”

I shook my head. “No. This can’t be real. It’s probably some sort of drug in whatever Delphine gave me because I don’t have a man inside of me.”

The little girl headed over to the bookcase and trailed her fingers along the spines.

“No.” M pointed at her. “Do not touch them. We have discussed this.”

She hurried away from the bookcase.

“We should have told her long ago. I said so.” Snorting, Lunita went over to the chair behind the desk and sat down. “Everyone thinks I’m the crazy one just because I like to kill people, when lots of people like that. I am the smartest.”

He turned to her. “Out of my seat. You know better.”

Lunita sucked her teeth and rose.

“And don’t you dare touch any of my books.” He pointed at Lunita. “I would know.”

“Stupid ole scarecrow.” Lunita headed back to the door. “Your office is boring anyway.”

I studied M and shook my head again. “No way. Someone would have known that I have a male personality. Max. Darryl. X—”

“I actually had many evening conversations with Xavier.” M pushed his glasses up his nose with one finger. “I miss those intellectual talks over cigars and a nice glass of rum.”

“Cigars and rum? With X?”

He nodded.

“And. . .what about Max or Daryl?”

“For some reason, X asked me to not come out for them. That made me mad. I would have loved to shoot hoops with Max. It took me some time to understand why X didn’t want me to talk to them, but eventually I did.” M placed his hands in his pocket. “Never mind the past.”

I just stared at him.

“Welcome.” His voice went calm and measured. “I assume you have many questions.”

I nodded, still trying to process the sight before me.

“Let’s begin with the most obvious.”

“There is a most obvious in this shit show?”

“Yes. I am M.” He gave me a sad smile. “And before you ask, I am a part of you, just as much as you are a part of me.”

Lunita leaned against the door, her arms crossed. “She thinks that you are inside of her.”

M shrugged. “We all think that in the beginning.”

“I told her, but she won’t let it go.” Lunita frowned. “She is not. . .okay.”

“She’s fine. She’s just currently having an existential crisis.” He stopped leaning against his desk and stood. “Allow me to help you get through this. Xavier helped me. I must now pay it forward.”

“So. . .” I swallowed. “You truly know what’s going on?”

“Oh yes. After Xavier, I went off to further educate myself.” With a confident smile, he strolled over to one of the walls. “As you can see, I’ve dedicated my life to psychology. I’m an. . .academic. Harvard. Oxford. I even began my doctorate at Cambridge, but then my love for Felicity lured me back to the States.”

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