Page 9 of Dirty Pleasures

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This thrilling excitement washed over me. My heart pounded in my chest. Adrenaline surged through my veins.

It was as if I had been given a shot of pure, unadulterated euphoria.

Every cell, every atom of my being charged with this electric sensation.

I felt more alive than ever.

I did it. She was up to no good, and I came through, ending it all.

My mind shifted into a whirlwind of happy thoughts.

Until she is gone. . .maybe I can maintain some form of control.

Joy came. Actually, it was more than joy. It was a profound sense of fulfillment.

My senses heightened, and this rush of victory was intoxicating.


Every doubt, every fear, seemed insignificant in the face of this exhilaration. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the moment that would forever change the trajectory of my life. And as this thrilling excitement washed over me, I knew there was no turning back. I was ready to embrace whatever came next, ready to leap into the unknown of me taking my life back.

I really did it.

Gazing around, I realized that I was sitting up in bed because Lunita had been sitting up in bed.

Okay. I am me now.

I lifted my hands in front of me.

Closing and opening my fingers, I gazed at them.

Yep. I have full control.

“Shit.” I widened my eyes and gazed around. “I did it. I really did it. But how did I do it?”

Next to me, Kaz stirred in the bed, opened his eyes, and yawned. “Msyh, who are you talking to?”


“About what?”

“I did it.”

He yawned again. “Did what?”

“I felt that bitch doing something odd. It was like I was asleep in the darkness, but I could sense her actions and then I. . .opened my eyes and saw something in front of me. It was like. . .” A shiver ran through me. “Shit. It was actually like a television. Yeah. She was right about that. Maybe even a movie screen and like. . .an invisible projector played out everything in front of me, but it was actually happening on the outside of me.”

Kaz rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up. “Hold on, mysh. What are you talking about?”

“That bitch was trying put a finger in your ass and—”

“What?” A strange expression hit his face. “Whose finger? Whose ass?”

“Lunita’s finger. Your ass.”

He blinked. “What?”

“Lunita was touching you and ogling your ass.”

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