Page 80 of Dirty Pleasures

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I trembled as my head spun, and every cell in my body screamed in protest.

“Yo!” Max’s voice registered from somewhere far away, as if spoken through a wall of thick fog. “What’s happening to her? What did you do?!”

Delphine’s response was calm amidst the storm, her voice steady and unyielding. “She’s going into herself. You must stay calm.”

“N-no! No!” I shook my head and screamed. “I don’t want to do this anymore!”


“Max, you need to sit back down!” Delphine’s command cut through the chaos like a knife. “It’s already happening. You can’t help her now.”

“Delphine! Stop this!” My chair tipped over as if caught in an earthquake.

I lost my footing.

Beneath me, the solid ground gave way to an abyss of black nothingness.

And this wasn’t the darkness of a starless night or the comforting shadows of a room with the lights turned off.

This was an all-consuming void.

An endless expanse of emptiness that swallowed light, sound, and hope with an insatiable hunger.

And then I was falling.

Not a gentle descent, but a harsh, ruthless plunge into the void.

Like I was being sucked into a vacuum.


Terror—cold and relentless—seized me. It clawed at my insides, icy talons raking over raw nerves, setting my every sense on fire. My heart pounded like a war drum in my chest, its rapid rhythm the soundtrack to my horrific experience.

And I knew right there—as I tumbled through the darkness—that I would never be the same after this.

Chapter fifteen



The little girl led the way and kept that stuffed lion close to her.

Following, I climbed out the window and stepped onto the narrow fire escape. To my surprise, the metal of the fire escape felt cold and real in my hands.

I looked down.

The view below was a black, endless abyss.

I put my gaze back on the little girl as she went up. “Are you afraid of her?”

“No.” She giggled and began to run up.

“Hey.” I picked up my pace. “Wait for me.”

The clang of our steps echoed against the brick building as we ascended.

Each rung swayed under our weight.

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