Page 68 of Dirty Pleasures

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Shots rang out all around the big beast, but none hit him.

Terrified, I continued racing through that pit, pushing myself harder and harder.

Tisha and Valentina shot at the alligator, but still couldn’t get him. He kept getting closer and closer to me.


The huge bastard leapt for me.


With the knife in front of me, I dove for the ground and twisted around. The beast soared over me. Somehow, I sank the knife into his flesh. The alligator shrieked over me, writhing and twisting.

Together, we crashed into the water.

The blade was jammed in its scaley belly. And even more, I couldn’t get the damned knife out to stab him some more. Water got in my eyes and mouth as I wrestled to get the knife away.

I had no idea if the alligator had been injured good or was just trying to get a better angle to get a bite of me.

More shots rang out.

I felt the impact of one bullet slamming into the creature.


The alligator went limp against me.

I shoved it off and rose from the ground, dripping with murky water.

I hate this fucking city!

A cacophony of booms occurred next. It was hard for me to see. The only thing I was certain of was that gunfire was now coming from both sides of the pit.


I wiped water from my eyes and turned toward the platform.

On the Don’s platform, tons of my men charged out of the back wall exit and shot at the pit. Others stood on the edge of the platform shooting alligator after alligator. Bullet-riddled creatures surrounded me. Their blood mixed with the murky water and the torn-apart corpses.

Good. It is over.

I let out an exasperated breath and trudged through the water.

Meanwhile, Rafael stood next to the jar with the Eye. Sweat trickled down his face. He held a bowl in his hand, dove a spoon into it, and began to feed himself a thick red liquid.

I spoke through clenched teeth. “Are you fucking serious?”

He widened his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“You are fucking eating!”

“The Don really does have the best gumbo on this side of the bayou—”

“I was fucking being torn apart by alligators while you were fixing a meal for yourself?!” I got to the edge of the platform as two of my men helped me up.

Rafael ate more of his soup.

I climbed onto the platform and narrowed my eyes at the pansy.

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