Page 61 of Dirty Pleasures

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I turned back around.

The Don continued to size us up in silence.

I studied more of the space and realized that there would be no way to get to the Don unless I went through the pit.

But, how did he get over there?

I checked the black wall behind him and thought I made out a small outline of a door but wasn’t sure if it was really there.

That must be an exit. Right?

Then, my gaze strayed to the jar perched next to the Don’s throne.

Is that it?

I leaned forward and squinted my eyes, trying to get a better view.

The liquid inside the jar shimmered.

Yes. That’s the Eye.

Suspended within the liquid was an iridescent orb with a slit pupil.

But, how do I get it from him?

And now I knew without a doubt that this would be no ordinary negotiation. I was in New Orleans, in the heart of the swamp, about to bargain with a man who’d made a kingdom in the wilderness. Power, money, and land would not be enough for him.

Tired of waiting in further silence, I stepped several feet forward.

In the pit, the eyes of several alligators followed me with laser precision. Those slit pupils radiated a deadly intelligence.

With a rushing sound, a few slithered to the side of the pit that I was closest to.

I glared at them.

Trust me, little ones. I will eat you, before you eat me.

Tisha and Valentina followed me.

Meanwhile, Rafael remained by the door.

I directed my view back to the Alligator Don.

Come on. You’ve shown me how much of a tough guy you are. Let us get on with it.

Finally, he spoke—his accent a peculiar drawl of twisting words, “Evening, Mr. Lion. Long way from Russia.”

Good. He knows who I am.

“Heard y’all been searchin’ for ol’ Don, out here in the bayou.”

I forced myself to be nice. “I thought it would be a good idea to meet the person in charge of this area.”

The Don leaned back on his throne and drummed his fingers lightly on the alligator carved armrest. “That’s good and all, but we don’ get much visitation out here in the swampland. What brings a big shot like y’self to ma part of the woods?”

I could see the sharp glint in his eyes, like a predator sizing up its prey.

“I came to pay my respects.” I gestured to the two gifts in Valentina’s hands. “These are for you.”

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