Page 53 of Dirty Pleasures

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Kazimir’s jaw set, the muscles in his neck tensing. “I get this eye and then I return to be at my mouse’s side?”

“That is correct.” Delphine puffed on the pipe.

I shivered.

Kaz snapped his view to me. “What do you want, mysh?”

“To heal so that Lunita doesn’t cause any more problems between us. I want to keep you and our kids safe.” I swallowed. “But most of all, I want to lay next to you in bed at night, and not worry that I will wake up the next morning to the news that I’ve killed someone that I love.”

Kaz put his view on Lemon and then Max. “Make sure there are more men watching my sons. Also, get Boris here for added protection for my mouse, and call for more of Harlem Crew. Do not let Emily out of your sight. Delphine is not to be trusted. And I believe at this point, I do not have to explain to you what will happen if Emily is harmed.”

“Man, I’ve had Em’s back all our lives. Relax.” Max gazed at the house. “I just don’t want to have a fucking mental breakdown in this motherfucker.”

Delphine spoke from the porch, “Grandnephew, you too will need healing and must be next to Emily during this evening’s process.”

“And this is what I’m saying.” Max shook his head. “Shit is going to be fucking weird.”

“It’ll be good for us, Max.” My bottom lip quivered. I looked back at Kaz. “Now I have orders for you.”

“What is that, mysh?”

“You are the Lion. That means that you do not have to fight with a man named the Alligator Don. Your anger is expensive so spend it wisely. Also, take your sister with you and more men, but try not to kill everyone and make new enemies while we are here. Most of all. . .stay safe.”

“I will do my best.”

I gathered up as much courage as I could. “What do you think, baby? Can we do this?”

Kaz lifted my hand and kissed it. Determination filled his eyes. “We can do anything we want, mysh.”

I gave him a weak smile. “You’re right.”

He kissed my hand again. “Do not worry, mysh. I’ll be back very soon.”

My heart swelled. “I know you will.”

Chapter ten

The Mission


Hours later, night descended upon us as we rumbled down the road. The murky swamp sprawled out on either side of us like a haunted, liquid wasteland.

Wassily sat behind the wheel. His hands gripped it tightly. “Are you sure this is the way?”

“Keep ahead.” Rafael sat in the passenger seat and pointed forward. “It looks like nothing is out here, but it is a whole lot of something. There are men high up in the trees, watching and reporting back that we are traveling down the road.”

The dark sky blanketed the thin, winding ribbon of a road that sliced through the marshy landscape.

Thankfully, our SUV’s headlights cut through the darkness, casting long shadows that danced and twisted along the swamp.

Over forty SUVs drove behind us with my men and some French. We had brought enough weapons to make a military unit envious.

Meanwhile, I kept two stupid gift-wrapped boxes on my lap.

Back in Moscow, Jean-Pierre had warned us that I would need to meet with the Alligator Don eventually, and that he would want gifts.

Therefore, David had made sure I left Moscow with an expensive bottle of vodka and a gold box of chocolate-covered prunes.

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