Page 50 of Dirty Pleasures

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Meanwhile, Delphine puffed on her pipe, completely unfazed by the commotion.

I stepped to the side and caught my breath.

Lemon remained next to me.

I wiped sweat off my forehead. “Where are the kids?”

“As soon as you all went off to the garden, Baba took them and several men to the hotel.”

She knew what was going to happen. Thanks a lot, Baba.

Kaz struggled against Tisha, Max, and at least six of Harlem Crew. His angry gaze was fixed on Delphine. “You think you can just mess with my mouse and me like that?”

Delphine took a long drag from her pipe and blew out a thick cloud of smoke. “That was a harmless lesson, Kazimir. Nothing more.”

I scowled at her. “What lesson?”

“When you are down here in the bayou and someone offers you something out of their garden, do not eat it.”

Several men on the porch nodded in agreement.

Another one muttered, “That’s right. And don’t eat out of their house either. Unless you know them well.”

“Sure enough, Billy. Listen to us. You just might get something that you don’t want.” Delphine gestured with the pipe. “Kazimir, you will be out here messing with bad people, you need to be on guard. Just cause the strawberry is small and looks ripe, don’t mean it won’t show you something.”

“Let me show you something!” Kaz snarled and lunged forward, pulling Tisha and Max with him.

More men hurried over.

“Calm down, baby.” I lowered my gun to my side. “Delphine, we don’t need lessons. We need answers to questions.”

“And what answers are those, Emily?”

“When is this healing going to begin?”

“Today. Soon as your lion gets himself together.” Delphine raised her free hand.

All the men on the porch turned her way and left one by one, gathering up cards and weapons, and then leaving the porch.

The scene appeared less dangerous, although we knew Delphine was nothing to fuck with.

I swallowed and turned to Kaz.

Thankfully, he calmed a little and stopped straining against our men. Still, anger decorated his face.

Delphine tapped the end of her pipe and then brought it to her mouth. “What else do you want to know, Emily?”

My heart raced. “What are you going to do to heal me?”

She blew out smoke. “Now that’s a long answer.”

Kaz roared at his men, “Let me go. I am fine now.”

“Naw, Tisha.” Max remained holding Kaz. “We’ll wait a little.”

I looked back at Delphine. “We have time for the long answer. Please, tell me.”

She rubbed her chin with her free hand. “Your healing will not just require physical remedies. You must shift your spiritual energy, and then you will have to. . .”

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